~~One Month Ago~~

14 1 0

"YOU LET HIM ESCAPE?!" A feminine voice shouted. An enraged tone as the figure in a white cloak, light seeming to shine obscuring its facial features. Though the halo and white feathered wings were a hint to the species of the creature.

" Miss! Please! He stopped breathing! "  a man in a lab coat pleaded, lifting his headas he was looking up at the Angelic creature.

" HE IS A ZNANOSTINITE!!" She replied a scowl hidden behind the light. " they're bodies. When they can tell they can't win, and going to die. They stop breathing, in order to make the unwise ones end up leaving thinking they were dead." She Added on, her voice less loud but still just as cold.

" I'm sorry miss! I did not know." The scientist said softly, unable to look into the being's face.

" Did you at least wear the special gloves at least?" She said, praying to her gods her contingency plan got played.

The man nodded frantically hoping to win some favor with her " YES! Y..yes miss!" She said her tone matching her look " I wore both! Just to make sure I at least touched him! For your toxin miss!"

She nodded at the Scientist " good. " She said softly as she turned to go to her temporary room. She was tiny... but her power showed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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