Chapter 1

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"Ms. Annie Katz, Please report to class E-3 immediately!" said the voice coming from the intercom system.

I heard a few whispers coming from behind me before I got up and left the room.

Class E-3 was on the second floor of Preston high. One of the most prestigious high school in the world. It had nothing but top grades. It only had 2 classes per grade as opposed to the usual 4 class public school system.

Preston has 5 stories to it. The top story is for the high-end school employees like the Dean, Directors of subjects, and chairpersons (the big 3).

It took me about 5 minutes to get to room E-3 (E means English and 3 represents the number of the class).

I braced myself thinking of what was to come. I clenched the doorknob tightly, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

I was greeted by a cool breeze rushing past my face and a slight chill ran down my spine.

The Dean, the Directors, and the Chairperson were all standing in the front of the class.

I was quite surprised, these people seldom came to see the classes. They only came for important occasions like commissions of new wings or classes and meeting up with investors.

4 students sat spaced out on the desks in the class. I recognized them as Dereck Peters from class 11-A, Janet Anderson and Nick Grayson from Class 10-B, and M, who so happens to be the Dean's son, from class 10-A.

I made my way to the back, to a desk in the right corner of the class. I enjoyed being invisible. It became somewhat of a hobby, drawing attention to myself was not my favorite cup of tea.

Suddenly, three men entered the room, they were dressed in Alexander Amosu Vanquish Bespoke Suits which cost around $90,000 and all had Rolex watches on and all 3 men had their watches on countdowns that were set to the date 1st December 2022. Each one carried a briefcase in their right hand. On each briefcase, the CIA and FBI logos were engraved onto them.

They walked to the wooden stand and set the briefcases down side by side.

One of the three typed in a specific code which was followed by a CLICK!

All the briefcases opened simultaneously, as if like in a sci-fi movie. I only just noticed that all the briefcases were handcuffed to the 'Men in Black'

The men turned the briefcase tops to face us. They each had screens embedded into them.

A shadowy figure was in the centre of the screen.

Only his suit and gloves were visible. He was surrounded by a thick and dark vignette.

I could tell it was a video because the figure was fidgeting ever so slightly.

After a spell of silence, the figure began to speak.

"Good morning to you all. It's a pleasure to see that all the people I had requested have made it. I know that you are a bit confused about why you have been gathered here. So let me get straight to the point. You might have seen the news headlines about the mass murder that recently happened. Well, I am the one who killed them!"

Murmurs began almost immediately. 'Who is he?' or 'Is it really true?' were the most common ones. It was hard to tell who he really was because his voice was distorted. And he must be good for both the CIA and FBI to fail to apprehend him.

It had been 2 weeks since the famous Oliver Murder as they call it. It really was the perfect crime. No leads, no fingerprints, and no evidence.

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