Chapter 7

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A/N: Hi, its me again. I hope you are doing great and hope your day will be amazing because you can do anything. Put #StayPositive in the comment section if you want to be positive.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter it is the longest and I took a lot of time on it so plz enjoy it and again have a great day.




What the hell were you thinking?

I asked Dereck, as I questioned him about making deals with some shady gang.

"It's not my fault he forced me to." Dereck whimpered in such a pitiful manner that I wanted to throw up.

"If I hear one more anonymous word about 'him' I promise you I will rip the teeth from your mouth one by one!" I screamed at him.

"I can't say! You think I want my teeth ripped out."

So he thought I was playing. I got my hands which were blooded from a few minutes ago and open his mouth. I selected a tooth and YANK. Blood began oozing from the space where the tooth had once belonged. And then I got another one, then another and one for good measure.

A total of 5 teeth were on the ground. They looked so repulsive that I crushed them with my shoes.

My dress had blood and saliva all over it and it was nauseating.

Dereck was crying, groaning, and fitting for all I cared, I needed my answers but of course I wasn't going to do anything that was unfixable, he could get some new fake teeth to replace them

"Now answer my question or you will be unable to for the rest of your life."

I held one of the knives that the man had in his hand. And got his tongue putting the blade on the tip of it.

"Who told you to set me up!"

"Fine, I'll tell you."

I signaled for him to go on. It was past my curfew.

"It was M, he was the one who told me to set yo-"


I cut him off in disbelief at what he was about to say.

I knocked him out with a hit to his throat and left him for the police.

I had no time for this it was way past my curfew and I didn't want my mum to worry.I called a late-night uber to pick me up and headed home.

I opened the door slowly and crept to my room, trying not to make a sound. I turned the light on and there she was sitting on my bed waiting for me.

I was screwed and I knew it.

"Where were you young lady, and what's that on your dress?"

Her voice was a mixture of stern and worry.

"The uber driver was late and we were at a horror-themed place so that's why there are the stains." I made the excuse on the fly and it seemed to work.

"Nevertheless, you are grounded for two weeks." I was about to protest but she had already made her mind, she probably made up her mind three hours ago when it was supposed to be my curfew.

I just sighed and watched her leave the room.

My body was limp and I was exhausted. I fell flat on the bed trying to process what had happened that day. how a seemingly amazing date turned into an alley brawl.

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