Chapter 3

69 41 14

20 dialed calls and 30 unread messages

I spammed M's number with endless calls and messages.

The messages all said practically the same thing. "I am sorry" and "I didn't mean to" were the most common ones of the bunch.

I hated this... he was playin' hard to get. I could tell he was receiving the messages because his status on Facebook online. It was clear he ghosted me.

I tried calling him one last time. And as expected it was unanswered.

I threw my phone on the bed in frustration.

I looked at my running shoes that were neatly tucked under the bed. And so I decided to go for a run to clear my mind. I normally run 10 km at a go.

I picked up my shoes, fastened the laces, went downstairs, and headed out the front door.

I run up and down hills, lefts and rights on streets and onto rough terrain.

Suddenly, I saw it. In the corner of my eye, I saw a person. Who I had noticed following me for some time.

She looked like an ordinary citizen. A t-shirt, some sweatpants, a Fitbit and some running shoes on.

It was hard to tell that she was trailing me. At first, I considered it a coincidence that she had been following me, but it began to feel off after some time.

So I decided to stop running, which I had never done ever since I began running.

I bent down to tie my already tied shoelaces. I watched her mirror my every move.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I asked her.

She looked startled. She looked like she didn't expect me to notice her.

But all of a sudden she began to clap over and over again and started laughing hysterically.

"I am honestly surprised that you noticed me." she said, "Anyway, I am not here to waste your time so let me just get to the point. The Playmaker would like you to join him and stop the investigation and give up all that you have learned in your 'class' over the past 2 weeks. You will find a letter in your mailbox containing a number that you will have to call. If you don't accept you will be grave consequences."

I almost burst out laughing... Was I supposed to believe thee Playmaker would send some person to give me such an important message? And since when did anyone ever use the word 'Grave'.

But then the more I thought about it the more I began to worry. Maybe it was him/her. It would make sense to use an ordinary not-out-of-place individual to pass on his 'message'.

I ran home as fast as I could. I opened the mailbox and sure enough, an envelope was lying in it. I went upstairs not forgetting to greet Mrs. Katz (my mum).

I closed my door making sure to lock it.

I tore the envelope open and a number was scribbled onto a piece of paper.

I hesitantly dialed the number onto the dialpad of my phone. I circled my thumb over the call button for a while before exiting the phone app.

I set my phone aside and fell onto the bed.

I thought about it for some time.

I won't call the number I thought to myself.

I heard a ping that came from my phone. At first, I thought maybe it was Peter answering me. But of course, that was too optimistic.

An unknown number was pasted on my phone with a message under it.

I clicked on it.

"Why are you doing this?"

Why am I doing what? I asked myself.

I was taught never to answer unknown numbers but...

huh? I wrote back

Typing was under the unknown number.

"Why are you investigating the playmaker, what do you have to gain, or maybe you're hoping to be some kind of hero in the end"

At that point, I realized I never thought much about it. Ever since we began this I had always treated this investigation like some kind of game, and never treated it with the seriousness it needed.

Why was I doing it? I am definitely not a hero and probably will never be one. But that alright.

I was not doing this for any specific reason or gain. I was not doing it for the publicity and not for the money.

As I was thinking about all this, I had a revelation on it.

I picked up my phone and typed.

"I do it for FUN!"

I had no big reason for it. Not to be the good guy and not to save lives. I do it for fun and I know that it sounds shallow but that's my truth.

Knock, Knock

Two knocks, followed by my mother's voice filled the room.

"May I come in?" she asked.

I didn't answer knowing that she would just let herself in.

She heard no response so she let herself in.

Mrs. Katz asked if she could sit next to me. I nodded.

It had been a while since we had a 'talk' like this. Ever since Dad passed away, we both lost our communication skills and never saw a point in interaction, rather than the usual greetings and 30 minutes of Animal fight club.

She placed her hand on my lap and looked into my eyes.

"Do you still love me?" she asked me.

"Of course I do." I answered almost instantly, "Why do you ask all of the sudden?"

Our speech was almost robot-like. We never talked like mother and daughter but more like co-workers. And so I never noticed her concern until now.

"You have become more distant over this past few weeks, you even stopped watching our show anymore and spend most of your time locked away in this room of yours."

She put her head on my shoulder and began to cry...

"I lost my job!" she started after an outburst of tears, "The message came in a few minutes ago. And the landlord was evicting as on Thursday."

Thursday?! I exclaimed.

That was only two days from now...

I began to think if this had to do with anything that happened today and if this was what was meant by grave consequences.

Was this how low he could stoop? Was he willing to stop at nothing to get what he wants?

I called HQ. To tell them what had happened.

After I finished explaining to them, all I got in response was...



A/N: Thank you so much for reading Love Annie & M.

I really appreciate every read, comment and vote. If you like the book so far plz vote and share if you think others will like it to plz spread the word...

What do you think of the ending of this chapter?


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