Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys, am I decided to be posting 2 chapters a week although they will be kind of random...

I hope you enjoy this chapter... And comment on M and any guesses of what will happen to him in the end...

LIKE>VOTE>COMMENt and please be engaged it helps my book get to other people as well and if you like it please share. 

BYEEE for now!!!



I said in return to the man's voice coming from my phone.

"You have passed the test, to see if you are really loyal to our cause." His voice was like that of some cliché television show or something.

And again I say...


I have so many questions.

Like the person was reading my mind. He began.

"The CIA was testing all the students in year 10-C to make sure that they were in full honor of our terms. This was requested by the Playmaker as well to make sure that all the people who were, in this case, were willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill their duty. M has passed the test as well. We will inform you of any other successful candidates. Thank You for your time."

And just like that, he hung up.

Almost immediately the family phone rang downstairs. My mum was already down there answering the phone.


A scream came from downstairs.

My mum ran upstairs which the fastest I ever saw her move... EVER!

"I got my job back!" she came screaming into my room, "And we are no longer evicted."

I was unable to answer her. I was shaken. Not by the sudden turn of events. But by the power that the CIA and FBI have. They have the ability to take ordinary people's jobs, shelters and who knows what away from them just for the sake of their own satisfaction.

I hated this, so much. How corrupt and unfair this world could be.

1 week later

"Congratulations, we had a 100% pass-rate for the test." said Mr. Arckerman.

"Now we can proceed to the real training now that we know that none of you parasites are 'weak'."

"Dereck. Please come to the front." he said with an evil grin plastered onto his face.

Dereck fidgeted a little before standing and walking up to Mr. Arckerman.


In just a few seconds, Dereck was on the ground coughing like crazy. Mr. Arckerman punched him on his liver one of the weak points we learned about in one of the defense classes.

But he didn't stop, he kicked Dereck on the stomach a few times, before laughing hysterically at his twitching body.

"Stop it!" I shouted.

"Come and make me." he said as though it was some kind of challenge.

He continued to pound away at Dereck's almost lifeless body.

Suddenly, M stood up. It was so abrupt it actually startled me. Of all the people I would have guessed to go up against Mr. Arckerman, M was dead last.

He looked at Mr. Arckerman.

"Stop it, or else I'll make you. People who bully the weak just to feel strong don't deserve to live." he said. His voice had changed. It was dark and cold, emotionless in fact.

Mr. Arckerman laughed in a sort of way that said, Make me.

M walked up to him. And they both locked eyes.

M looked down at Dereck, who had passed out from all the blows. Blood was spewing from the multiple cuts and bruises he had on his face. His shirt was painted red by his own blood.

Mr. Arckerman's fists were also bleeding. I couldn't tell whether it was his blood or Dereck's.

M made a stance.

Mr. A taunted him as expected.

All of the sudden, M charged at Mr. A his movements reminded me of something.

Then it hit me. It was the same move I used on him a couple of days ago.

I was surprised at how fast he is to learn a new skill.

In a matter of seconds, Mr. A was off his feet and into the air.

At that moment it was clear who the victor was.

M executed the move flawlessly and even better than mine. He refined it just enough that it would use the full power of his stature.

Mr. A landed with a bang.

He was evidently knocked out. M helped Derck up and to the nurse's office.

I just sat there in my sit helplessly and utterly powerless.

When Dereck needed my help I wasn't there to help him.

But although M helped him, something made me uneasy about all of it.

A few minutes later, M walked back in with the good news that Dereck would be fine but he had a broken arm.

Mr. Arckerman's lifeless body was taken away and Mr. Troy who was our actual defense teacher replaced him.

We were taught some basic takedown techniques including the one M used on Mr. A.

Mr. Troy mentioned that he was delighted to see that M was able to step in and use some self-defense skills already.

I stopped myself from stating that it was actually my move that he stole but as it was I was already on bad terms with M and it would probably look like I am trying to piggyback on M's 'achievement'.

I tried talking to M a few times during the course of the day. But he gave me the cold shoulder most of the time. I could understand where he was coming from but it began to become annoying.

I get that i-judged-you-unfairly-with-no-reason but you don't have to pretend I don't exist, right?

Since he had been ignoring me, I decided to devise a plan to get his attention.

I scribbled something onto a paper. And while he was looking onto the table I slid into right on the desk in front of his eyes. Of course, he pretended not to see it but it was clear he did.

Urban Park on Saturday at 5 PM

I knew he saw it but I wasn't in the least sure that he would actually show up. It was a fifty-fifty chance kind of thing.


The school bell signaling the end of the school day rang. Dereck had been in the nurse's room for the entire day so I decided to pay him a visit.

From the looks of it, he was going to be alright but I wish he had lost his voice because his comments really began getting on my nerves...

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