Chapter 2

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2:25 PM

It has been two weeks since the PlayMaker contacted us. We have been given a few assignments concerning the investigation.

Firstly we had to come up with our own list of suspects with evidence to back up our decisions.

We had access to all the tech we needed to make research our choices. We also had a list of all the FBI and CIA suspects on all the cases they have had. Which was really interesting.

We were introduced to the agents who were going to be our 'teachers' for the rest of our high school lives.

"Good afternoon my name is agent Kane but my teaching name is Mr. Troy. I will be taking you for self-defense and Agentry. I will be having you in the afternoons starting tomorrow. A training regiment will be sent to you via email."

"Hello, my name is Senior Agent Ron but my teaching name is Mr. Arckerman. I will be teaching you all the S.T.E.M subjects. I expect nothing but discipline and total obedience if you expect to pass your exams with the time allocated."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Special ops Erbert but you will be calling me Mr. Francis. I will be taking you in foreign languages."

Those are our new teachers. They all look too stiff and stern.

It was really hard to see them teaching anyone in general.

I was able to accumulate 3 suspects in total.

Agent Ron

The Dean



I made each of them individual case files.

I suspect Agent Ron because he always speaks about how the government system is flawed and society is driven by corrupt officials in power who only care about themselves and no one else. He looks like someone who would be able to pull this off especially with his experience.

I suspect the Dean because no normal headmaster would let some shady people just use his school unless he was the one who killed them so that they could least suspect him.

and finally

I suspected M because out of all of us he was the calmest of us and even when the Playmaker threatened to kill the 'government' he didn't have the slightest of worries. And his whole persona is off.

We were also required to write an exam to test our 'abilities'.

We ere tested in the basic subjects. Science, English and English and any two fields of our choice. I chose Espanol (Spanish) and Martial arts more specifically judo.

It was almost time for us to head home for the day. So I decided to talk to M.

I had been seeing M in class and I always thought he was weird, even weirder than me. He always sat at the back of the class. His facial expression was blank, he always seemed to be distant in his own world.

He sat in awkward positions as well with feet on the chair. He never talked to anyone at all. Despite all this, he always maintained the top spot in our class with perfect scores in every class except P.E. Which made his suspicion percentage quite low at 15%.

He couldn't have managed to kill all those people, not alone at least.

I saw him walking out heading to the Dean's floor. Now's my chance I thought to myself. I approached him slowly.

His movement was fidgety and felt out of place. His pace was ways behind normal walking.

I neared him with absolute caution just in case he was the Playmaker. We were the last two to leave the class so it would be the most ideal place to kill me. I slipped a pre-written letter into the coat I was wearing. It stayed M is the Playmaker in bold and all caps, if he killed me the police would find this letter and arrest him.

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