A Sky full of Stars!

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Chanyeol pushes his horse faster through the ever darkening night, the rich golden haze of sunset has long since set. Leaving just a blanket of darkness and boy even the moonlight in the sky. He ignores the omen that is the lack of start light, all he can feel is his heart thumping in his ears. The nausea of regret at leaving his precious dove eats away at his stomach like acid, as he continues to chase that thick plume of smoke erupting through the trees that surround the palace.

That smoke cloud can only be coming from one place, potent rage at being out smarted fuels his need to go faster  as he clicks his heels in to the flank of his strongest and faster horse.  He pushes against him again urging the beast to canter harder along the ancient pathway to his home. His heart finally shattering when he finally reaches the palace and  sees the total devastation of one of the main palace gates. His eyes concentrate on the rubble of what were once majestic gates, it hurts his heart to see the damage to the gates that have stood tall and majestic on these grounds for a 1000 years. The once gleaming golden Phoenixes painted on them are long gone and the oak of the gates nothing but splinters and dust across the ground. Ground beyond the gates covered with still burning pools of tar and littered with bloody corpses! Anger courses through him, some of these men once stood beside his own men  in battles for the greater good.

He can hear muffled orders behind him, he knows it's Sehun ordering the guards in to action both to sort the bodies to find those of the palace guards and the traitors. Commanding them to ensure their Emperor's life is protected, and that he is not left alone. It pains Chanyeol that he can't focus on finding any wounded royal guards and offer aid. All he can focus on is the weirdly calm and alone atmosphere of the normally busy Palace. He preys Suho has managed to get all those unable to assist in the fight against the rebels are in deed safe in the caves under the barracks.

Chanyeol is amazed as he looks around, the Palace may seem hardly damaged, but it would be foolish to think a fight has not happened! Pride fills him as its clear from the broken weapons and spilled blood, that his men have though with all their strength to protect these ancient halls of power. The smell of burning oil to the west catches his attention, it's then that his whole soul heartbreakingly drops out of his stomach. The thick smog of smoke is coming from the one place he would of sold his soul for it not to be, it's the Queen's Palace. Ignoring Sehun's earlier warnings to remain close by, he pelts off his horse and rushes as fast as can towards the billowing cloud. He races passed the terracotta hannocks that house his throne, office and council rooms. Across the paths he has travelled all his life, some in great joy others in sorrow. For the very first time in his life he fears what he will find the other side of gates to the Queens Palace.

A sudden pull to his leather breast plate instantly stalls him, but only serves to anger him as rounds upon the person daring to stop him.

"My lord, as the General of your guard I implore you to keep your head. Something is not right, I fear what will be behind theses gates."

"My pregnant Queen could be behind these gates Sehun."

"I know my lord, but I also know you! Your desire to protect him will overshadow your self preservation. I do not like  this any more then you do, we know Sunil's target has always been Baekhyun and your miracle. You must remain level headed as we do not know what is behind the gates."

"If your suggesting that I wait in the throne room to protect myself, above the very reason I breathe you are very sorely mistaken!"

Chanyeol waits as Sehun steps closer to him, the fury, hatred, fear and pain swirling within him burns his skin like a red hot poker! Yet the mirrored anguish he finds in  his closet friends eyes, doesn't comfort him. He knows  Sehun is right, just like he knows his precious dove. Beakhyun would never forgive him, if he placed his life above those that have served him, those that have fought and died for him. He places his hands on Sehun's shoulder to show that he understands exactly what he means. As much as it pains him, and clearly pains his friend right now he is right, this is the only situation where he must be the Emperor first, and husband and soon to be father second.

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