My Love For You Will Never End!

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Hello my lovelies, it's been a while since I updated this story i am not giving up, I just had a small case of writers block hit  for this story.

Thank you for waiting patiently for this, I really hope you like this. Just an FYI we are back to Chanyeol's POV.

Six hours later
Chanyeol once again finds himself pacing outside Baekhyun's private chamber,  the one that lies behind the grand oak doors carved in the shape of magnolia trees. He shudders at the memory of the last time he stood here, that awful pain filled wail and the indescribable sound of pain Baekhyun released that day will haunt his nightmares for years to come. A slither of relief this time as he has been promised their miracle is not at risk and is healthy, he's also been promised his precious dove and owner of his heart is fine just most likely overwhelmed! Whilst Chanyeol was beyond relived and thanked the heavens for that, he was told Baekhyun would be coming around almost four hours ago! He can't remember Yixing showing any sign of duress, all he knows is he is pretty sure anything else happening to his precious Queen and their baby would destroy him.

Thinking of his precious dove, makes his heart ache a little, he knew deep down when Baekhyun arrived at the execution despite having looked  so regal and headstrong it would not end well! Yet he also wants to applaud his precious dove for his bravery, it took a lot of courage for him to do bravely stand beside him, Chanyeol knows exactly what message he was trying to send, his little dove should not be underestimated! "Your Majesty" whirling around he finds his physician standing at the grand doors a soft smile on his face "The queen is asking for you!" Chanyeol nods in Yixing's direction he will thank him later, as he races through the doors and flies through the new lilac gossamer silk drapes that separate Baekhyun's sleeping arrangements with a small sitting area.

As he burst through the drapes to Baekhyun's sleeping cot, instant relief fills him to find his precious dove sitting up against his silk cushions. He hasn't missed how the only thing his dove is wrapped in his favourite sheer purple robes a hint of that alluring luminous milky skin on show! He doesn't wait he rushes over,  just in time for Baekhyun to raise his dainty hand to his cheek. Chanyeol leans in too that magical touch as he rests his hand on the swell of Beakhyuns stomach, it's one thing for Yixing to say everything is ok, it's 100 times better for his heart to feel them both in his very own hands. "My lord are you angry at me?" "Baekhyun, haven't we been here before, we are alone," "you much prefer it when I call your name." Chanyeol smiles as he sees the slight mischief in Baekhyun's eyes. "To answer your question no I'm not angry, I was scared when you passed out little dove. I admire why you did it as the message you sent was loud and clear, before you say it I know you saw your mother die at the hands of another, which was awful! it's an entirely different situation when someone you know is responsible for ending a life." "Chanyeol I told Suho that I felt so conflicted over that mans fate, I thought that if he saw me standing beside you he would feel an ounce of remorse. All I saw was a blank face which scares me more, it was like he welcomed death." "Listen to me my precious dove, no one will ever get close enough to cause you pain, not while I live I vow to you that Sunil will not get away with his traitorous words!"

Chanyeol removes his hand from where it was resting on Baekhyun's stomach, he gently lifts his hand to wipe the tear falling.  Chanyeol knows he shouldn't as his little dove should be resting, unable to help him self he leans in a places a gentle kiss to those soft pink lips. He almost falls forward, when he hears a softly whispered plea of "please make love to me, I need it!" Chanyeol gently leans back and watches Baekhyun closely, he truly is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen, with the most dazzling blue eyes, eyes filled with love and trust only for him. Chanyeol truly feels like a king when Baekhyun looks at him with unconditional love, and knows he won't deny his loves demand. All he can do is watch in wonder as Baekhyun lift his hands to place on top of the practically see through smooth silk resting above that beautiful chest. He almost groans as he feels the fire of arousal ignite at where Baekhyun has places his hands. Delighting in the soft moan his little dove releases when he gently rubs the silk against those enlarged pinky brown nipples.

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