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Chanyeol stands outside a separated area of the private residences of the palace, this suite of rooms is hidden behind a temple of fertility, that has been standing on the grounds of the palace for millennia. These rooms were once occupied by his mother, tradition dictates that each queen should have their own rooms, one that Baekhyun supported, not that he utilises this area often, Chanyeol was against this at first not truly understanding why Baekhyun required separate rooms of his own, far away from him! It all became clear when Baekhyun didn't join him for dinner one night, Chanyeol had burst into these very rooms, only to discover his delicate husband bedridden in pain, he was promptly shooed away by Yixing. Chanyeol understood why when
Baekhyun explained his gift was also a curse, causing terrible cramps in his abdomen every other month, which he shyly admitted  didn't want Chanyeol to witness. Baekhyun had then declared he prefers his hidden sanctuary bed chamber,  the one Chanyeol had commissioned for him  shyly admitting to preferring to be close to him at all times.

Finally passing the temple and its imposing cherry red pillars, he turns right and heads towards the only other building, a one story golden tiled Hanok. Chanyeol can see members of the royal guards sat on the steps, chuckling to himself when they suddenly jump up, hastily bowing before standing to attention in the presence of their Emperor.  Bowing his head softly in response, he walks up the steps to be met with an open air hallway, soft silvery white muslin drapes hanging from the ceiling give this private refuge a luminous glow, one that matches the main inhabitant of this hanok.

Chanyeol moves forward to the area where the fire lanterns are still lit, the area just outside the bed chambers, his chest instantly warming at being so close to the most beautiful creature, and the one he loves! Pushing open the door to the vast chamber his breath catches in his throat at the sight before him! Sat atop a raised cushioned bench in an area separated from the bed chamber, sits his love. Breathtakingly beautiful as he sits under the moonlight, his petite body draped in flowing  smooth  purple silk. Chanyeol is broken out his staring by the soft rustle of a sword being picked up, so enchanted by the dainty perfection in front of him, he completely missed Suho also being present and missed whatever the Queen had whispered to his friend and protector.  He doesn't miss the smug smile he sees on Suho's face as he passes, or the click of the lock to the chamber doors.

"I sense weariness within you my lord," Chanyeol watches silently as Baekhyun rises with the grace only a Queen could possess. Chanyeol smiles as he watches Baekhyun gracefully walks towards him, his silk robes billowing around him. Tiny delicate hands gently remove the tea tray in his hands, Baekhyun then returns to the seating area his silk robes continually pooling around him, as he gently places the tray on an ivory table. Realising he has not yet responded, "I thought we agreed in private to drop the honorifics." Chanyeol isn't surprised to see the pink hued blush that appears on Baekhyun's pale cheeks. "I much prefer it, when you call me by my name." Chanyeol smiles in delight knowing the effect he has on this delicate creature. Baekhyun falters slightly when he picks up the teapot, so much so that he has to put down the tea pot before turning to face him with a pout on his flawless rose hued lips. "Must you tease me so!"  "Must you insist on calling me my lord," the giggle that follows is music to his ears, he has missed that soft harmonious sound today.

Noticing that his husband has now fully turned to face him, Chanyeol's breath catches in his throat, standing in front of him is a vision, he can only stare at the exquisiteness in front of him. The purple robe Baekhyun wears has slipped down, robes that were already kissing delicate soft skin, now doesn't quite meet in the middle. Leaving Baekhyun's luminous  beautiful neck, collarbones, and a hint of bare chest uncovered for him to feast on. Chanyeol doesn't miss how Baekhyun's visible skin, twinkles like the starlight sky above them. The adrenaline filled fury he had previously within him, has vanished to be replaced by a most welcome familiar burn of arousal. He finally notices the air around them, it is thick with the  heady smell of jasmine,  and their always present sexual chemistry. He can see Baekhyun's blue eyes are dilated, the blush on his cheeks  has intensified and now spread to that soft skin on his chest.

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