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The sounds of frantic distressed cries, are the first thing Yixing hears as he rounds the corner of the Queens Hanok! Having been shaken awake by Sehun just 15 minutes ago. He like the man beside him rushes faster up the stairs to the private quarters of the Queen, exchanging a glance with Sehun, when they both realise the royal guard is absent, and in their place are four palace guards!   Seconds later they are bursting in to the private chambers. His eyes widen at the scene on entering the chambers, the young Queen is being held roughly by three guards, tears falling down his pale face as he struggles against the men holding him, and the knife against his throat!  Yixing is paralysed he knows this is protocol, years of being part of the training means he understands that whoever is still in the room is the likely culprit, and must be detained as per Sehun's orders. His heart bleeds for his friends, he knew tonight was important for Baekhyun. Yixing can already see the bruises forming on his pale delicate wrists, panic settling in as he knows the Queen needs to calm down or the blessed miracle he carries will suffer! Yixing dares not breech the secret he has been entrusted and sworn to protect. Its heart breaking to watch his friend sob out in hysterics, he knows it's the same for Sehun and Junmyeon.

Suddenly he hears the drawing of swords next to him Yixing turns and eyes widen as his own love Suho has his own sword drawn out. Suho is as close as he can be to Baekhyun, stead fast in being a barrier between reaching his charge as he faces off four more of the palace guards, blood dripping down the side of his temple! Why are there so many guards, as one royal guard is kneeling on the floor also being held back by a palace guard!  There are two further men trying to lie the emperor flat on his back! "Release The emperor and Queen at once" he winces at the barked command Sehun shouts out.

Yixing rushes over to Chanyeol as the palace guards step back from the Emperor, but not the Queen, he can feel Sehun bristle beside him, he can't interfere on this he needs to check the Emperor. He quickly assesses the emperor's clothed body, there are no obvious stab wounds or puncture wounds.  Knowing after their conversation he can't rule out poisoning, with a heavy heart he cast his gaze around the chambers, as he checks his emperors pulse, breathing a sigh of relief at the normal beat. "General Oh, I ran to the barracks when I first heard the queens cry, we got here just in time to see the captain and the queen acting suspiciously."  Yixing turns from the emperor, who's prone from remains still on the hardwood floor, he can feel the start of tears, as he hears and watches a dejected and pale Baekhyun, lower his head and attempt to control himself  as he softly whispers a plea "Sehun, I implore you, this is no attempt at my lords life!"  Nothing else gets to be said as he hears a sharp intake of breath behind him. Amazed as he watches Sehun and Suho instantly drop to their knees seconds before an infuriated roar erupts behind him "unhand my Queen now!" A deathly silence follows, before the sounds of swords clanging to the ground is heard, Yixing turns around and comes face to face with an enraged Emperor, one with fire and retribution burning in his eyes!

Chanyeol has never been more thankful when Sehun gets off his knees, an abrupt "soliders you are dismissed" leaving the head of guard. As he himself continues to stare down the palace guards who finally release their hold! He frantically wants to go to his angel to calm and soothe his angel. Chanyeol takes a step towards his husband but the stare he receives from Sehun halts him instantly, it's a stare that commands he wait until the room is empty, he has never hated having to follow his own protocol more than this very moment.

Infuriated by seeing his gentle little dove being manhandled, the image of his love being restrained by his own guard will be seared forever in his mind.  His heart shatters at the sight of his queen trembling, eyes lowered to the ground, devastated by the red marks forming on his delicate tiny wrists.  Chanyeol winces, when he hears Sehun chastise one of the royal guard "You are to return the barracks, where we will discuss your demotion, what were you thinking! Any sign of distress from their majesties in any occasion, calls for myself, suho or your fellow guards first not the palace gaurds! Now get out." Chanyeol nods to the other royal guard who rushes to Suho, who turns an obvious worried glance towards him, shrugging off the royal guard. "I will remain here Sire, please Hung Woo wait by the door, do not let any one pass." Chanyeol watches the last reaming guard bow before swiftly leaving the chambers.

The sob that follows, the shutting of the doors causes Chanyeol to whirl around, finally locking eyes with the purest creature in front of him. His own gasp escaping him as he watches Baekhyun lift his injured arms to rest on his stomach!  The same time a memory flashes of a happily whispered "we have been blessed by a miracle," which was embarrassingly and swiftly followed by him blacking out! He can worry about that later now is definitely not the time for self loathing, not when his love has suffered a deplorable act in his own home. One he will ensure is never repeated, hearing whimpers and Baekhyun clearly starting to hyperventilate! He launches forward capturing his still trembling  husband in his arms, sinking them both to the ground in a sea of  purple silk encased in his protective embrace. Chanyeol locks eyes with the three men in the room, they have much to discuss!

Thank you for taking time to read this,
I do hope you like this shorter update


An Emperor's Heartache जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें