To Protect Your Pure heart

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Time for a an update, my mini poll results were tied so I decided this story first. I'm sorry that it's been such a long wait :( I really hope you like it! Normally this story is done in Chanyeol's POV, but I thought this update should be done in Baekhyun's POV. Just to advise this does have some rather sensitive themes at times so please proceed with caution! Let me know what you think ❤️❤️

Three Months Later!
Baekhyun pulls his outer dress robes of heavy silk closer together, in effort to fight off the night chill that's still high in the air! As quickly as he can he rushes out past the temple of fertility, he wants to be back to his room before chief hand maid notices that his sleeping cot is empty. It's been a terrible few months for everyone, he really doesn't want to cause more stress, a splash of colour against his fair skin catches his eyes and makes him smile. It feels almost foreign to have such luxury silk against his skin agin, he has missed it. Running his hands over himself gone are the somber plain  black cotton tunics and breeches, they have finally been replaced by new sky blue soft silk robes. Said robes styled with delicate gold Phoenixes and magnolia leaves, he personally  requested the pattern as a subtle show of unification and strength. Delighted that these precious robes, had to be taking out to fit his finally showing and growing bump. Baekhyun's  heart beat leaps when he feels a kick to the left side of his abdomen, to sooth those kicks he runs his hand over his bump!

Taking a deep breath and keeping one hand on his bump he leaves the temple courtyard, he can still smell the fresh rose oil on his hands and the spicy smell of star anise incense on his clothes. Items he left in tribute along with the orchids he has hand raised for his miracle in heaven. All three have been left at the feet of the wishing well in memory of their lost miracle. Baekhyun smiles softly at the memory of the tiny intricately crafted white jade Phoenix, and silk money bag sitting along side his own offering. His heart feels so full with love at how Chanyeol has made sure their miracle will want for nothing in the afterlife with such rare and precious gifts from the emperor.

He is aware thanks to Suho, that his always loving Chanyeol knows he's has been visiting the temple each day for the past three months! Just like he knows just how stressed almost secretive and over protective Chanyeol has been. He can hardly blame his love for how protective he's been, it's been A hellish couple of months! He will freely admit to anyone that the first couple of weeks after his miscarriage and the resulting stress of hearing what Sunil said were awful! 

He really struggled with the loss of one of their babies and still blames himself. He had even gone as far to deny Chanyeol access to his sacred sanctuary for the first month after his miscarriage! It was a bold move and an act he would never normally even consider, as Chanyeol has always been when he feels safe and happy. Baekhyun even remembers how he had one night holed up in the temple feeling desperately sad and refused to leave! For a time he was so beyond confused at how someone could hate him so much, all because he he carried a gift and just wanted to make the light of his life and owner of his heart happy! It all boiled down to his main fear that Chanyeol would believe Sunil, and blame him for what Yixing swears is just natures way which he had advised was sadly not always kind!

That one night in last moon cycle, was the one where Chanyeol had  followed him, at first Baekhyun had been frightened by the angry aura pulsing round the emperor as he slammed in to the temple like a fire breathing dragon. It was only when Baekhyun tried to leave did he see the despair, he watch with horror as Chanyeol dropped to his knees, with a devastated look on his face. All Baekhyun could do was fall to his own knees and cry, before those ever loving arms embraced him again and begged to know how he could help. It broke his heart to watch as Chanyeol broke down, when he finally managed to get the truth out of him. He remembers how emotional that night was, how they held each other close as they both admitted they feared each other blamed themselves for thier loss! He believed it was down to being young and soft hearted, and not being the councils choice of consort It broke his heart when Chanyeol believed it was down to blacking out when told about their miracle, his lack of protection, and placing his duties to the crown above him. A lot of tears were had before their  remaining special miracle made their own presence known with its first kick, Baekhyun remembers how their tears of despair has bloomed in to happy tears, before Chanyeol had leaned down to kiss his tiny bump whispering how the council will never be able to take him, they will never be a replacement. All before claiming his own lips in a much needed searing hot kiss that led to a night of soft and gentle lovemaking right there on the temple floor. Both of them trying to surpress their smiles in the faces of both the stern faces of their  personal guards.

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