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Two Hours Later & Yixing's POV.
Finished cleaning the dried blood from his hands, Yixing stands away from the royal couple to give them some privacy. He has no doubt from the sombre faces of both Sehun and Suho they too feel the pain in the air, especially now the Queen has regained consciousness. It's heart-breaking to hear how the queen is quietly whimpering into their Emperor's shoulder, as the former keeps his lips on the Queens forehead and rocks him slowly. Yixing quickly glances towards the cot the couple are sat on, and is relieved to find his young charge has his hand on his stomach encasing the mircale life within him both of them being supported by two much larger strong hands.

A sudden squeeze of his own hand and he turns to face his partner wearing a soft yet sad smile, "is there a tonic that can be prepared for Baekhyun to help him relax?" Nodding his head Yixing agrees "there is my love, I have already sent my apprentice to get the ingredients," ensuring the grieving couple don't hear what he has to say next. "You know the drill Suho we must first take out the foetus!" A sudden shuffle behind Suho alerts him, looking up he sees the chief handmaiden bow her head trying herself to hold back tears! Yixing feels a second squeeze of his hand, he really doesn't want to do this! Taking a deep breath as this step is never easy, he nods in the direction of the two eunuchs by the door holding the black curtains to come forward.

He turns just in time to see devastation and anger blazing in Chanyeol's eyes, as he gently turns young Baekhyun even closer into him keeping his almost the size of Baekhyun's head hand on the back of those silky strands all too stop his Queen from seeing what happens next. Yixing feels his heart break at hearing the torturous sobs Baekhyun lets out once more,  he so wished there was a different way. This is the part he hates the most, encasing the royal couple in heavy black velvet drapes as tradition dictates they cannot see the foetus leave the room.

With the drapes in place, he finally can nod too the chief handmaiden to remove the plain ivory box that contains the black linen wrapped remnants of the foetus and placenta. It so painful to watch the handmaiden leave, the only sound in this eerily silent room is that of their Emperor's desperate yet soothing attempts to calm the man he loves. Yixing lets out a quiet sigh of relief when he hears the doors of the outer chamber close, the tense atmosphere of the room changes to that of quiet determination.

Yixing surveys the room, those that remain are the servants most loyal to their Queen. He knows in his heart that while this is tragic the people in this room will do all they can to shield the queen and  protect the remaining Miracle he carries. A sudden shuffle is heard beside him and he looks up in time sees Sehun taking the tray with the calming blend of dried roses, hibiscus flowers.

The nod he gets from his apprentice is proof enough that his request for ginger root to be added to soothe any lingering pain Baekhyun may have. Knowing that Chanyeol will want the room to soothe Baekhyun in private, he nods to the handmaids and his own apprentices to clear the room. Ever grateful that they understand, once the room is clear and Sehun and Suho have moved to stand guard over the entrance, does he move to untie the drapes keeping his head bowed low.

Hello everyone a quick posting on my break.

Just a little snippet from an outside perspective over Chanbaek's loss, it seemed fitting to have a different POV over this sensitive matter. I hope you like it again it's all fiction and not accurate.

Would you like me to write more on this subject, or move  the story forward a couple weeks?

Thank you again for giving this chance, back to work I go ❤️❤️

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