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Two hours later Chanyeol's POV
Chanyeol stands staring at  his golden throne, the emblem of his royal crest a golden Phoenix rising from the crimson flames towards the inky black of a sky during sunset hangs to one side. The other side of his throne hangs a second crest, a silver magnolia tree against a back drop of purple, both crests couldn't be more different. One represents strength and rebirth, the second represents knowledge and grace. The colour a royal one to remind everyone, Baekhyun is a Prince in his own right. All of this hangs above a raised dais of expensive Japanese maple wood, lacquered in gleaming gold leaf. Standing proudly beside the throne are black marble fire pits carved in the shape of matching phoenixes, the fire serves as Chanyeol's constant reminder that he wouldn't think twice, about burning his throne  and palace to the ground to save his Queen and the precious life he now carries.

Chanyeol should be with Baekhyun right now begging for his forgiveness, Yixing however had other ideas! After watching the physician fuss over his delicate husband for a good hour, which did nothing for Chanyeol's sudden nervous tension, Yixing thankfully had confirmed Baekhyun and their miracle were fine. The physician had then demanded that the Queen be allowed to rest, suddenly producing a sleeping tonic insisting that it be drunk there and then which Bakehyun had objected too but took. Chanyeol barely had time to kiss his husbands perfect rose bud lips, before the physician had shooed him out of the chambers, declaring that he and Suho will remain to watch over Baekhyun.

Needing to rid himself of the negative energy surging though him, Chanyeol sent Sehun to the palace barracks to round up the dozen men that essentially did what they were trained for! The sound of dozens of footsteps approaching the throne room, shake him out of his daydream making Chanyeol move quickly wanting to be sat atop his throne when the Guards enter. Chanyeol watches as Sehun leads the 12 men in to the throne room, he can still see the lingering fire in his Generals eyes! No doubt Sehun unleashed his ice cold persona on the soldiers, who can't bring themselves to look him directly in the eye! What he doesn't expect is for all the men to line up in a straight line and each one including Sehun to drop their down on one knee and lay their swords on the ground with the hilts pointing in his direction, a chorus of "long live the Emperor!"

Chanyeol knows he wants retribution but he will not allow loyal men to feel shame for the actions he sanctioned! Shocked that all the men, including one he has known all his live have taken such a pose, for its a pose both the royal infantry and general army use to indicate they surrender, and one sends that sends shivers down his spine. "General Oh, you and the rest of the guards may rise, I do not accept your surrender!" To appear less imposing Chanyeol stands from his throne and walks down the raised dais to stand level with his men, thankful that Sehun has risen first. He makes a mental note to keep Sehun back and explain that he was conscious when Sehun demanded Baekhyun's release and that he will never blame him.

Now that he is eye level with the soldiers that form part of the palace guard, Chanyeol can see that each one wares the same expression guilt. The need to punish them diminishes further as he remembers his Queen's words about doing what they were trained to do. Chanyeol has no doubt that the purest heaven sent creature sleeping peacefully would not want them punished for doing what they have trained relentlessly for. "I know you all fear the reason for calling you here, my initial response to your barbaric behaviour was to send you to guard the city walls. Those who had hands on the Queen fishing in the salt mines!" Chanyeol doesn't miss how each man waivers in their stance! "The fact that you acted as per protocol and my Queen's insistence that this is no ones blame is the very reason the wall and mines will not be your fate. However such brutality on the my innocent Queen will not be tolerated, I was conscious when you all disobeyed your commanding officer and didn't release Baekhyun!"

As much as Chanyeol wants to be ruthless with these men, they did follow his protocol, he will also take into a point as he isn't so blind to see that each mans posture begs for atonement. "I know you are good men and even I make mistakes, you will from tomorrow Be transferred to the new police unit outside of the palace walls." Chanyeol knows he has made the right decision when he sees determination replace the fear on the eleven men in front of him, "you will still complete the vows of servitude to this kingdom just not within the palace walls now use this time this evening to prepare for your departure. General Oh you may dismiss the men."

Sehun's POV
Turning from the Emperor, Sehun nods sharply at the soldiers in front of him watching as the men file out of the room with unmistakeable precession that only those trained in the palace possess. He is about to follow when he hears a rustle and an obvious sound of something slumping to the ground he stops and turns back to the Emperor, who to Sehun looks lost as he sits on the bottom step of the very throne he should be sitting on! "Sire," "I am well Sehun, just glad that this night is finally over! Before you try to beg forgiveness what I said was true, I heard you back at Baekhyun's chambers, I couldn't say it at the time so I will say it now, thank you."Sehun watches as his friend wipes his hand over his suddenly tired and vulnerable face, "Sire you did the right thing," "I fear I am going to be a slave to paranoia for the foreseeable future, that being said I want that protocol amended Sehun, I never want to see my queen restrained by palace guards again!" Sehun can only imagine the horror Chanyeol felt at seeing Baekhyun being manhandled for a second time. He feels a deep shame, for not being on hand to diffuse the situation sooner.

Sehun makes a mental note to revise the protocol with Junymeon, about to suggest a way forward to implement changes, he hears clear astonishment in Chanyeol's voice "I'm going to be a father!" Sehun is ecstatic for both their Majesties and the blessed miracle The Queen carries. Sehun smiles to himself, Baekhyun has always been treated so delicately by the Emperor, and he has no doubt Baekhyun will be treated like a porcelain doll by Chaneyol going forward. "Many congratulations, i know it is sooner then expected sire. I know you said you don't blame me but i do feel responsible for the failings of the palace guards and will accept what ever punishment you see fit." About to get back down on his knees, he feels the tug on the hilt of his sword.

Chanyeol's POV.
Chanyeol shakes his head at the clear intention of Sehun's posture, "Sehun you were not in the room when Baekhyun was accosted I do not hold you or Suho responsible for the actions of the place guard. Believe me it will be me begging for forgiveness when Baekhyun is suitably rested! Now that he has addressed the palace guards, he can concentrate on that failed poison attempt, he was fair to the soldiers of the palace, he will not be so lenient to those that have dared to harm his precious dove.  "Sehun i want extra patrols of all the areas the queen frequents, make sure they are discreet, and  I want the perpetrators behind the poison bought to me alive." The knowing smirk that appears on Sehun's face confirms to Chanyeol that his General knows  that he wants to personally deliver what they have coming to them.

Chanyeol looks up to the emblems hanging above him once more, filled with and almost drunken giddiness his beautiful dove certainly surprised him with the news of their impending progeny. His little dove and their miracle will be the most protected creatures in his kingdom, a gentle shove to his shoulder has him instantly turn to Sehun, "Sire you should be with your Queen, he will need you now more then ever" Rising from the dais Chanyeol has much to discuss with his little dove, the first will be discovering how long he kept this blessing from him, how many moons until the arrival of his heir. Nodding his head to Sehun as indication he is ready to move, "there is one obstacle before i can be with my Queen," "don't tell me your afraid of a shorted Chinese man!"

Both he and Sehun are too immersed in their conversation on how to to get Yixing to let him in to the Queens chambers, to notice the figure that steps out behind the throne, one who was witness to their entire conversation and is now in possession of the biggest news for his master.

Thank you all so much for reading this, your support has been amazing when i all I wanted was to throw in the towel. I'm almost at 500 reads! Thank you thank you

Stay tuned

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