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By the time we got back, we were all tired and hungry. Even though we'd only been gone a day and a half, Castle Rock seemed smaller than ever before.

"So, this is it," Chris muttered, and I nodded.

School started next week, or in a few days, and it was probably the last time we'd all hang out together until then.

"See ya guys," I said, waving as I walked towards my house. As I walked, I pondered the thought of Teddy and I. I know we both like each other, but I'm not so sure if we're even an item. I sighed, and looked back at the gang. I really hope that we'll all stick together, even through all the middle school drama. It wasn't long before I reached home, and found I wasn't wanted.

"Vanessa Anne Hogan! Where on Earth have you been?!" my mother screamed the second I walked in the door.

"I-" I was cut off by Charlie in the other room.

"She was out fucking a bunch of guys in the woods, I saw it with my own eyes, Mom," he called.

"I didn't raise my daughter to be no slut!" she shrieked, raising an open hand to slap me.

"I swear I wasn't Mom! I would never do that!" I cried, as her hand flew across my cheek. My face stung, and I stumbled towards the door. I ran out into the surprisingly cool, dark night to the only place I knew I'd belong; the treehouse.

By the time I reached the treehouse, my vision was blurred with tears, and my head ached. I climbed up into the treehouse and wept some more. I didn't belong here, shit, I never did. I looked around, and saw the pistol laying on the makeshift table we had. Chris must have left it here on his way home.

With tears still streaming down my cheeks, I reached for pistol, cocked it, and put it to my temple.

"Goodbye Teddy," I whispered, and went to pull the trigger.

I never did feel any pain in my head, more so in my abdomen. I must've been aiming wrong, or the gun must've shifted.

"Vanessa!" I heard a very familiar voice scream, before darkness consumed me.

Will You Stand By Me? •On Hiatus•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora