Break My Mind

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The moon was blood red, this cold night. A young man walked home. His name was Aaron, only 15, and was headed home. An outcast to most, so it would make sense, no one would miss him. An unsuspecting prey, the perfect target.

"Welcome little child to your darkest fears inside!"

The voice echoed from the night. He looked behind him to the right and left, trying to find the source, but saw nothing.

"Come and join the fun take a journey through the night!"

An opaque creature stood in front of him. He turned and ran home, to his room terrified of what he just saw.

"Watch the closet doors or else the night consumes you more!"

Again, he searched for the voice's source.

"Taking every piece of innocence that never sees the light..."

He didn't sleep, terrified of the footsteps in the night.

The next day he headed to school. Paranoia consumed his mind throughout the whole day. Kids stared at him, but that was nothing new. He was known as the school freak. Today, he was acting more weird than usual. He kept looking around seeing the creatures everywhere, then he would blink and they were gone.

'What the heck is going on?!?' Is all he could think.

After school, announcements were being said. But they were cutting out. Only one sentence was made out by the students.

"We're having some technical difficulties." Then that was it, it cut out all together but was still on.

Soon they heard something that made Aaron's blood run cold.

"So grab your only ammunition, your common sense and torch."

Kids were now freaking out after hearing that voice. Announcements came back on, they apologized and told classes to continue. Teachers began calling the office asking who and what that voice was talking about.

The corridors are filled with fright, when something's on the porch.

As soon as school was released. Aaron walked out of class last but was met with his usual bullies. The next thirty minutes were not fun. Eventually, he was left alone to suffer. He walked home in pain after awhile. The voice came back every once a while to haunt him.

"How long will you last, through these memories of the past."

'What memories?' thought Aaron. These voices were kind of cryptic with what they said. He looked up on the sidewalk only to see the same creature from the night before. Despite being daytime no one was around and the creature still looked like a shadow. But it slowly looked up and it’s face terrified him.

"Since without a light to shine, the only soul that's left is yours."

After that encounter he ran but every corner and direction he turned seemed to lead back to the creature. Or should he say person? No, whatever it was, wasn't human. He knew because every time he saw it, it had another face. But he quickly realized that there was more than one.

"Forced down to reckoning!"

One pointed at him.

"Your dreams become the sickening."

One of their faces became contorted to the point it was unrecognizable.

"You thought you were alone?"

'What do they mean?' Aaron thought as he shook. With each sentence said, they seemingly took a step closer to him. And only then did he notice he was surrounded by five of them. He couldn't keep track of them all. Suddenly one grabbed his arm and yanked him toward itself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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