Nonsense speaker

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Requested by woWy_ZowY

I try to ignore, the hurt inside.

I walked down the halls of my work place standing tall as usual. That was until my cell phone started ringing. I froze as I saw the name... James. I almost collapsed then and there but I couldn't do that. It kept ringing I needed to answer.


"Where are you?"

"At work."

"You didn't make breakfast."

"Yes I did, it's on the counter."

"Are you fucking talking back?"

"No, no, no I was just telling you!"

"It seems it is on the counter... But talking back is still unacceptable. I'll be waiting for you when you get home don't be late. Or it'll be worse understand?"


"Good, love ya Georgie!"

That made me smile a bit.

"I love you too, honey."

The phone call ended. I walked into work with a smile. Though there was a pain in chest knowing he only said those things because he knew how they made me feel. But I don't care, he loves me right? Wrong he doesn't, but all I want is his love. And if this is the price, then it's fine because I love him...

And bit by bit, part of me dies

I walked into the work place to see Alexander arguing with Aaron. That surprised me because he usually argues with Thomas. Aaron looks worked up though and Alexander looks like he's taunting him. I better stop them but right now I could care less.

I lose myself everyday. I've become a robot to everyone but a certain few people. One of them happens to be my husband James. Well it varies from time to time. I can be the most emotionless person or the most emotional when it comes to him.

I hate him but I love him. I can't leave him. He's got me caught in a trap. Being distracted I didn't notice the person coming up to me. Alexander came and snapped me out of my fantasy.

He speaks but I only see his mouth moving. I decide it's not important and walk around him to get to my office. Locking myself in just trying to clear my mind. How much longer will I be able to keep this up?

The smile on my face is just a lie 

We had an office party. I was required to be there. I tried sneaking off but was dragged back by my employees. I made sure to tell James, if I don't make it home on time. He wasn't happy and now I dread going home because my punishment will be so bad.

"Yo, G.Wash lighten up well ya, you've been like this all day!" Said a clearly drunk Alexander.

"Here come with me!" With no say in the matter I was dragged off.

We walked around aimlessly. I was almost convinced Alexander had no idea where he was going until he abruptly stopped.

"Heyyyy KG, this is our boss Georgie here."

I flinched at the nickname my husband usually calls me.

"G.Wash this George Fredrick the third but everyone calls him King George, George, KG or pompous ass. But whatever works for you, byeeee!"

With that he stumbled off and left me with King.

"Well, allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is George Washington. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

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