All you wanna do

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"All you wanna do, all you wanna do baby.
I think we can all agree I'm the ten amongst these threes"

They stared at him like 'bitch the fuck you talking about' but he continued.

"And ever since I was a child I'd make the boys go wild!"

'He ain't wrong about that' thought Madison.

"Take my first music teacher, James Reynolds.
I was young, it's true, but even then I knew
The only thing you wanna do is *mwah*"

'That was pretty sexy' Aaron thought as he stared at his friend. 'I mean no homo though right?'

"Broad, dark, sexy Reynolds-"

"Who in their right mind would call Reynolds sexy?" Alexander had to ask.

"He was only a child leave him be." Stated Lafayette.

His cousin, was too young to know anything it wasn't his fault this all happened to him. He wished he was there to protect him. Now he's dead.

"Taught me all about dynamics."

"Are you sure it was only dynamics" Reynolds said smirking.

"What are you on about?" Lafayette said with a protective glare.

"Oh nothing." Reynolds replied devilishly.

"He was 23, and I was 13 going on 30!"

"What the fuck Jefferson!" Alexander immediately said

"Excuse moi did I hear what I think I heard?" Lafayette said

"Yup those were good times." Said Reynolds

Hercules ended up restraining Lafayette before he could kill Reynolds.

"We spent hours strumming the lute
Striking the cord and blowing the flute"

"I never thought Reynolds would even have an education."

"Watch it Hamilton you're not all that innocent either."

"He plucked my strings all the way to G
Went from major to minor, C to D"



"Herc you should know you can't stop him when he's like this." Stated Laurens.

"Tell me what you need! What you want, you don't need to plead!"

As those words left his mouth the fighting stopped as they stared at Thomas.

Lafayette wondered why his cousin would be willing to do whatever for this creep. Hercules wondered what was up with Thomas this wasn't like him, John wondered the same.

Reynolds recognized the words and smirked a little at them. He remembered when the young boy said that to him. It made him sincerely smile to think about the boy who cared so much about him. Honestly, he did feel something for the boy but alas there ages differed leaving a vast ocean between them. At that thought his smile faltered but of course he wouldn't admit all he thought to anyone, but himself. He just thought 'As long as the boy is ok, I'm fine.'

Aaron noticed how Reynolds smiled at his friend and how the smile seemed to falter but remain strong. He wondered, but said nothing.

Three other people in particular recognized those words. One of them could honestly care less. The other two, however, were frozen to there spots. One felt bad for he genuinely loved the boy but could not stay. He kept his tears back as he looked away. The other felt bad for using the boy to his advantage. He cared about the boy it was his fault, the boy was dead. If it weren't for him he would still be alive.

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