Black Christmas

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Yule log cake we decorate with wreaths.... of spider feet.

(ding dong ding dong)

"When it comes to Christmas, I could care less. I have no reason to be happy. This holiday there will be so many people out."

At least that was my mind set until I met him.

But I couldn't eat it

My cat had gotten away from me and was running away, I chased her. It was dark out as I chased her. But I bumped into someone on the way and she got away. I was so pissed but looking up the anger went away.

A handsome man stood in front of me and I could only stare in awe. But the man wasn't all that pleased with me. It took me a minute to realize, I spilled his coffee all over his shirt.


He only pushed me away as I attempted to help.

"It's fine. Now if you would excuse me, I have somewhere to be."

"Excuse me, but I only wanted to help. You don't need to be rude. Who do you even think you are?"

"The names George Washington."

That's when it dawned this was one of the most successful business men in the world. Rumor has it, he can get away with anything. And he's very cold along with ruthless. But famous or not, he has no right to be rude.

"That's nice, but can you not be rude."

I tried asking in the most polite voice I could manage.

"And why should I not be rude? You spilled coffee all over my shirt?!? In fact you should be paying for this!"

Of course this pretentious prick would be mad.


He looked baffled at my response. But quickly regained his composure.

"Look boy, you obviously don't know who I am or what I'm capable of-"

"George Washington, billionaire, world's most successful business man, blah blah blah shall I go on?"

He looked even more surprised.

"Look I'm not a boy, I'm 23. Only 7 years younger than you. I don't care who you are. I won't have someone disrespect me like you did."

"Who are you? You have such audacity to even be talking like that."

I pretended to ponder on giving him my name.

"The names John Wick." I smirked.

"John Wick? Hmm interesting name."

This guy is clearly behind the times. WHO DOESN'T KNOW JOHN WICK!?!

"Whatever, I'm going home."

He stopped me

"You never apologized..."

"Maybe if you opened your ears instead of being so hot headed, you would've noticed that I did. I did immediately after I got up."

With that I left leaving him there astonished. What I didn't know is that I piqued his interest.

Stockings that were hung without a care... Are nearly there

(Ding dong ding dong)

'Ugh this stupid holiday is so infectious and awful. I hate this.'

'Decorations, trees, and my cat hanging everywhere! Wait a minute...'

I turned around my cat was in a stocking. I retrieved my cat but took another look at the stocking. It seemed to be dripping.

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