The One Thing He Doesn't Understand

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Talk Too Much by Coin is the inspiration for this novella and really accurately represents Auggie and his future relationship so feel free to listen to this while reading :)

Emryn: 22
Auggie: 18

September 10 2032

He never regretted his parent's decision to let him go to the same school as his siblings. He's glad they tried to make his life as normal as possible. He's glad they didn't make a big deal about him being a prodigy.

He never wanted to feel different.

And they never forced him to feel anyway that he didn't want to.

He was a prodigy, however. Insanely smart. Beyond smart. Albert Einstein kind of smart. But, he never liked people to know that, so he tried to blend in. He didn't often answer questions in class—even though he knew all of them— because he didn't like to draw attention to himself.

That was half due to him not wanting people to know he's a prodigy and half due to his stutter. Now it's true that his stutter didn't bother him too much, but it was still an annoyance to him at some points.

His speech therapy had helped a bit. His stutter is definitely not as severe as it was when he was a kid. He still stutters on most words, but not excessively. It comes out more when he's feeling intense emotions like fear, sadness, or excitement.

He was really grateful that his parents gave him a normal childhood, he wouldn't have wanted it any different. The fact that he could've gotten his GCSE by the time he was 9 didn't matter to him. Family mattered to him, and if his parents would've chosen to send him to a boarding school for prodigies—which most of his doctors strongly encouraged his parents to do—he doesn't know if he could've ever forgiven them. The relationships with his siblings that he has because he got to stay at home and live a normal childhood is something he wouldn't trade for the world.

However, now he's 18 and starting University like the rest of kids his age—except he's already gotten two degrees (one in economics and the other in mathematics that he earned online) but still, now he's getting the actual university experience. Living away from home, going to Oxford, having the opportunity to make friends.

Okay, that last part isn't exactly apart of his big dream. In fact, it's not apart of it at all. He had a few friends back home. Mostly from his prodigy program that he went to after school on most days, but now he's in a new city and he knows no one and he's almost 2 hours from home with a roommate who he hasn't talked to since he got here and...he has no idea what to do.

His alarm starts ringing, but it doesn't wake him up because he never went to sleep last night. He's been laying in bed completely awake just starting at the ceiling and anxiously waiting for his alarm to go off to tell him that he needs to start getting ready.

And now it's ringing.

And he wants to do anything except go to school.

He contemplates not going, he really does, but ultimately he's too much of a rule follower to not go, so he gets up.

He quietly opens his door and looks down the hall of his new apartment, checking to see if his roommate's door is still closed. It is, so he quietly tiptoes past the door and towards the bathroom at the end of the hall.

He squirts the toothpaste onto his brush and looks at himself in the mirror, combing his hand through his bleach blonde hair and rubbing at his blue eyes.

He doesn't want to do this.

Too many people.

Too many new people.

Talk Too Much: Auggie's Story-H.S. FanficWhere stories live. Discover now