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"Oh don't be like that baby! You're lettin' the theories get to your head again! You know I'm not like-"

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"Oh don't be like that baby! You're lettin' the theories get to your head again! You know I'm not like-"

Suna Rintaro got a face full of suitcase, landing on his butt and bleeding out of his nose. He felt the collision of the cold steps and his lower half.

"When did you get so aggressive?!" The cheating boy got a door slammed in his face. Turning and twisting each direction, he found himself in a homeless situation again.

He retracted from the ground, starting to pace around, wiping the blood off that continued drizzling down his nose. 

The boy stood still and stopped for a minute, exhaustingly digging into his pocket and taking out his phone.


4k: michie just threw me out man. 

4k: she came up with this crazy theory that i'm cheating on her

germie is online!

germie: well did you cheat?

4k: technically yes. with her sister..

germie: so it's not a theory??? it's just a stone cold fact

germie: i know you can't tell but i'm facepalming

4k: theory or not— who cares! that's not the point.

germie: then when are you gonna make it the point, rin?

germie: every month, you get with someone new and then cheat on them
like some kind of infidelity monster.

germie: tbh, i'm not even surprised anymore! you need to get your shit together
because i'm tired of cleaning up after your sorry ass.

4k: oh shut up you don't know what's best for me.

germie: maybe I don't.

germie: but I do know what's best for others and it's not constant heartbreak!

4k: whatever. i'm crashing at my aunt's today, see you at school, counselor.

4k has gone offline.


That was his friend Sakusa; he's like the good angel that tries to convince him to be good for a change. But just like any other voice of reasoning, Suna just ignores him.

The annoyed 'infidelity monster' rolled his eyes and began to sluggishly drag his suitcase off the thick steps. Every step he took was like taking a limb out of his body.

The misunderstood adolescent just wanted to settle down with someone and not completely mess it up— like he always ends up doing. Suna Rintaro is just a hollow douchebag who gives no shits about the aftermath of his unfaithful actions.

After walking two blocks, the boy broke down on the nearest bench, hugging his suitcase close. It got difficult to breathe, his bottom lip was quivering. One thing revolved around his mind before it all went blank.

He didn't think or move, the irregular boy just sobbed. Suna was a man-whore. He knew he was one and it made him sad to know.

His phone vibrated in the depths of his back pocket. His sobbing slowed it's pace, coming into an end after a quick mental breakdown. He sniffled repeatedly, Suna had an extra large headache.

His chin laid on the top half of the suitcase. He brang the phone up around the suitcase and to his blurry eyes.

He got a notification indicating a new post. He clicked on the notification which led to Osamu Miya's page.

Rin's eyes immediately inclined forward. Although the two are mortal enemies, he still enjoys stalking the attractive boy's page.

A jaunty grin took over his features. He stared down at his phone, scanning every detail of the photo. Until, the reminder that him and the grey-haired boy would never solve their differences, came to mind.

The headache came booming again as well as the faint stripes of tears.

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