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"No you know who it was?" Suna leaned to the side and inclined forward, stretching his body over the round table

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"No you know who it was?" Suna leaned to the side and inclined forward, stretching his body over the round table.

"Who?" Sakusa stared at him with smiling eyes and a hand running through his hair.

"That bitch, Aubree! Girl cannot stay out of everyone's business, yo!" The two best friends broke into a fit of laughter.

"I thought you said it was that Miya twin who spread the rumor, now you're bringing poor cracker Clifton into this?" They laughed so hard other students trying to eat their lunches stared at them weirdly.

Suna shrugged happily. "Jeez, I need to go to the bathroom before I pee myself." He stood up and scurried to the boys bathroom. Whilst he was hurriedly running down the hall before his bladder exploded, the faint echo of yelling and arguing alerted his senses.

Like any other person, the urge to pee vanished when his mind was focused on something else. The scolding continued without a stop, and Suna didn't either until he reached the source of all the racket.

"Control your asswipe of a brother, Atsumu, or else." Suna peeped his head out of the hall where the arguing evaporated out of. He watched closely as his rival's twin brother was talked down by some dofus jock.

"Or else what, Vic? You gonna bully us into hating ourselves since it's all you're good for?" The artificial blonde retaliated, poking at his chest. 

Victor harshly trapped his finger. "What's with you twins and your loud mouths?" The blonde pessimist scoffed and turned on his heels. "This is your last warning."

Suna's heavy eyes followed Victor's quick footsteps. The Miya twin stood around a while not too long, then Rin engaged in his pursue after the blonde quarterback.

"Hey, Vic, right?" He stated his appearance. Victor's long neck twisted, he saw the brunette and his eyes dropped in boredom.

"What do you want?" His hazel eyes popped with uninterest. This drove Suna closer to the edge where he was so close to biting his head off.

"Well I just overheard your conversation back there and I couldn't help but wonder why you have it out so badly for the twins." The two chatting teenagers turned the corner and stopped.

"I mean, who doesn't have it out for those two bastards." Again, Rintaro had caught another oblivious adolescent by surprise. This time, his slender fingers curled around the boy's white collared blouse, the white in his knuckles making an entrance.

That's when he stared into Victor's confused pupils and felt that pain in his heart again. His head began to drop deeper and deeper until he wasn't looking at the muscular quarterback anymore.

Rin kept quiet.

He licked his lips and huffed making his nostrils flare. Like his head, Rin's current expression dropped, everything he was feeling when he first initiated his pursue, completely collapsed.

Soon enough he let go of the silky white clothing and took a few steps back. Today, Suna felt like a villain trying to outrun it's source of evil when really, he was just lost and didn't know where he was at the moment.

At last, he picked his head back up. Victor was raising his voice at him and shoving him angrily.

But, Suna Rintaro couldn't hear a word he was spewing. He had gotten so disoriented that he had tuned out every noise known to man. And with that the lost adolescent took off like a deer in shock.

Frantically running away, the sweating teenager was desperately looking around for a place to ease down at, his eyes were big like an eagle's. He saw an open janitor closet and quickly shuffled in and closed the door.

Suna plopped down and brang his knees up to his chest, rocking back and forth like an insane patient.

He kept questioning himself, he wondered why he cared so much about what Victor said about the twins. He wasn't close to the two in any way shape or form, so he always wondered why his heart beats faster around Osamu.

Maybe it's because of his undeniable hatred towards the boy that makes him brush off any other genuine possibilities as to why he feels different around the reserved ambivert.

Then boom, it hit him. For a second there, Suna Rintaro hit a large speed bump and caused him to crash.

Do I like Osamu? He thought.

He took his hands off from the top of his knees and placed them onto the floor, he stretched out his long legs that were close to hitting the door. His eyes were so wide he felt like he had just seen a family of ghosts.

His panicking was replaced with shock and fear, he never once thought about falling for the infuriating juvenile but there he sat, in the dim lit janitor closet, worrying about what the future had in store for him.

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