Our God

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It had been a few months since the 5 zodiacs met and since then they'd hang out anytime they were free. Ayame and Aimi got along more than anyone expected. No one expected the outgoing, positive snake to get along best with the blunt, teasing monkey. But still as Hatori would say it they both have say what's on their mind without a filter so it isn't that by of a surprise.

It was a normal day they were sitting down talking about their days and different stuff while eating some watermelon Aimi brought. The rooster, dragon, and snake were addley chatting about random stuff and on which zodiac will be born next. While the dog was laying on the wall reading, and the monkey was leaning next to him eating water melon, randomly looking over at him.

She secretly enjoyed the presence of the dog. The calm yet mysterious aura he gave off, she admired his sharp mind. She herself wanted to know what went on in his mind, the way he thought, the way he looked at things. She also enjoyed the looks on his face for different moods. She enjoyed his calm and relaxed face when he's engrossed with his book.  She liked everything about the male next to her.

Though this certaint day her mind was engrossed in the dream she had the night before. In her dream she was in a dark room like in a castle of some sorts. She walked into the center of the room to see a child in the middle wearing a black kimono. Aimi reached out to that child and when she did ropes rapped around the two glowing white. Than the ropes rapped around the dark haired girls body, and the end of it rapped onto Aimi's hand going to her arm.

The dream messed with Aimi a bit, she woke up the next morning crying. The dreamed seemed so vivid and real it shook her straight to her core.

While the three boys were talking Shigure couldn't help but notice Aimi who looked like she was deep in thought. It was not unlike her to get distracted at things and zone out, in fact it happened often. But Shigure could tell this was different, she didn't seem distracted in fact she looked like she could solve the worlds greatest problems. She was so deep in thought it made Shigure a little concerned.

It didn't take long for Hatori to notice too. And the other too aren't as dull as they seem, so they could see it too.

"Aimi is something on your mind" Hatori asked generally concerned for is black haired friend.

"Huh?" She asked looking at Hatori in confusion before looking down at her hand.

"Oh yah, I just had this weird dream last night about meeting some strange dark haired girl in this dark room. I don't know it felt so familiar and vivid I'm just a bit shaken up that's all. The weird part is these vivid ropes rapped around me it felt so real. I think it's just my imagination getting the better of me" Aimi explained shaking her head and trying to dismiss the worry in her friends faces.

Shigure tensed at what Aimi said, he had seen something similar. He sat his book down and look over to her.

"Really how peculiar I had a similar dream, although i did see rope but it didn't rap around me. But I didn't see a black haired girl, though I woke up before anything else could happen"  Shigure spoke trying to give Aimi some reassurance.  Aimi looked at him with relief and with gratitude. As she secretly thought she was being crazy and over dramatic.

"No I just think you two are going insane" Ayame said chuckle and holding his head. Hatori and Kureno deadpanned at him. While Shigure simply chuckled with humor at his friend's antics.

While young Aimi picked up Shigure's and threw it at Ayame's head with all her strength. Sadly in her clase her simply dodged it. She let out an unamused huff before going over and picking up the book and giving it back to Shigure. Who gave her an amused smirk at her antics.

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