Chapter 6

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It took him forever to let me get out of the car because he wouldn't stop smothering me and saying how much he'd miss me until he sees me again. After about thirty minutes, he'd finally let me go and i quickly jogged to my front door, opening it and closing it behind me. As soon as the door was closed, I collapsed onto the floor with my back against the door.

I was sobbing but I didn't know what emotions caused me to. Was it out of anger, shock, disbelief? I didn't know but I knew I hated him and wanted nothing to do with him. Which is exactly why I'm going to the police station first thing in the morning. I know he said something a long the lines of 'he owned the police' but should I really believe anything that comes out of his mouth? I clutched my phone tightly in my hand and stormed my way to my room, it's not like my parents could hear me even if I were to scream in this large house anyways; not to mention they're both heavy sleepers. They wouldn't even notice I was gone if a robber took me.

That night I couldn't sleep, tossing and turning in my bed, thinking about the future. Would I really be able to get Xavier off my back? Will the police do anything? He seems like a big shot from how filthy rich his home and everything looked but the authorities will still take actions if I had evidence, right? Questions swarmed in my head but around three in the morning I finally passed out into a slumber. That was turned short into a nap when my alarm woke me up at five, two hours later.

I got ready and grabbed my phone from the night stand and started heading to my car outside. Soon I arrived at the police station and I couldn't help but felt like I was being watched or followed the whole way there but I was probably paranoid.

I waited in the waiting room for an officer to come in. After about ten minutes a cop came in and sat behind his desk, asking me how my day's been going and exchanging names.

"I-I'd like to report a black mailing and a sexual assault."

He nodded his head and jotted things down on the paper on his clipboard.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Ms. Summers." He have me an encouraging smile and continued asking my questions.

"His name is Xavier Velders." Suddenly the man stopped moving his pen on his paper and looked up at me.

"Did you say Xavier Velders?"

"Yes! I have evidence, I-I recorded everything that happened in the car last night." I fished for my phone from my back pocket, opening it with shaky hands when the officer excused himself and walked out of the room. I didn't know what was happening but all I could do was wait for him to come back.

After about twenty minutes, I heard the door creak opened.

"So as I was saying, I have evid-" my eyes widened when I saw the person that walked in was Xavier himself and not the officer. He slowly walked up to where I was sitting with a fuming small smile on his face. He had a black suit on with his white dress shirt buttoned down a few and his hair styled neatly. I shrunk into my seat fearing what he'd do to me, I mean we were at a police station what would he do?

"Xavier, w-why are you here?" I tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Tsk tsk, my baby wants to know why I'm here? How cute." He sighed and started kissing me on my lips.

"I missed you, Bella. And now you're going to quietly and obediently follow me to my fucking car, out of this god damn building." He tightened his hold on my arms and finally wrapping his right arm around my shoulders protectively he dragged me out the small waiting room.

What the hell is happening, why is he here?!

I stomped on his foot which earned a groan from him and I used the opportunity to escape from his arm to run to one of the offices to call for help.

"Help! This's the man who sexually assaulted me and threatened me with a gun!" I saw the officer who interviewed me before and ran up to him. To my surprise, he looked away with a guilty expression and walked back into his office. I stood there with disbelief. What the fuck are these idiots doing not helping me?!

I saw Xavier scoffed and shook his head from the corner of my eye. He slowly took menacing steps towards me and roughly grabbed my arm, dragging me once again out of the police station. When we reached his car he pushed me into the passenger seat and closed the door locking it. He got in from the other side and started driving, he didn't talk or look at me, not even telling me where he was taking me. He glanced at his hands on the steering wheels that were turning white due to his strong grip. His scowl was evidence he wasn't please with the little act I've done.

After a few minutes, we were driving through a road with dense trees on either sides of us, just like the one with his mansion. But this time a modern looking two story villa with a pool on the front of the house came into view after taking som turns on different roads. How many homes did this man has?? I doubt such a young man his age could have this much money without doing some kind of illegal business.. unless they're old money that's been wealthy for generations.

He parked the car and forced me to get out as well and dragged me inside the house. When we were in a bedroom he roughly pushed me on the bed.

"Take off your pants." His sinister eyes pierced into my soul, I could tell he was raging inside.

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