Chapter 14

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I woke up to something wet touching me down there. Wait what the fuck.

I opened my eyes and looked down to my torso to see Xavier's head moving on my pussy. I frown in disgust, I tried to push his head away from me with my hands, key word, tried. He wouldn't even budge and swatted my hands away. I sighed in frustration and laid back down on the pillow, it felt amazing but this is just creepy as fuck I didn't even know when he started touching me, without my consent, may I add.

After a few more minutes of just him eating me out like nobody business, he finally was satisfied and came up to my face to kiss me and cuddle me into his arms, "I love you, Bella." He gave me light kisses all over my face and neck. I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything back.

"Say it back princess."


He flipped me so I was laying on my stomach and he got on top of me. He pulled my hair from the back slightly hard and whispered in my ear, "Fucking say it back Isabella, I know you love me don't lie to yourself. We love each other, WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING GET IT?"

I whimpered in pain as the hold on my hair got tighter. What the fuck! Is he fucking bipolar?! To save myself from any trouble I decided to just do what he's told me to, "I love you too."

"See? Was that hard? We both love each other so damn much baby. You're my world."


He got up from the bed, pulling me up along with him to the bathroom. I tried to cover myself since I was still uncomfortable to be seen fully naked by him despite last night. He snatched my hands away and looked at me dead in the eyes, "Never and I mean never, hide yourself from me."

Then he proceeds to turning on the shower, adjusting the temperature and making both of us get in. The shower was pretty big, it could fit at least ten people inside. We stood under the shower, his arms wrapped around me from behind. His mouth moved to my ears his breath fanning it, "You're so fucking sexy Princess." He said as he started kissing my jawline and neck. Lord, please make this stop... I felt disgusted after last night, it was against my will and I felt like breaking down right then. Is this the life I'd have to endure now? What, his sex slave that have to follow his every order until he gets bored of me?

After he basically showered me he gave me his shirt and boxer for me to wear.

"I can just wear my old clothes and change when I get home." I protested as I didn't want his clothes on me. "Fucking wear it Princess, it's my body I can dress it the way that I fucking want now put them on." His words made my blood boil, he is treating me like a fucking possession of his!

"FINE." I yelled as I started slipping his shirt and boxer on.

"Watch your tone with me Bella, I'll not tolerate any disrespect from you or anyone else. I've been treating you too nice huh, did you forget who I am?"

I let out a frustrated sigh, I was tired of his temper and his whole authority over me shit, "No, sorry." simply stating I walked out of the room to go get some water downstairs.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I heard him yell, I turned around to see stalking after me. "Downstairs to get some water?" I stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Do not walk away from me Princess, fucking tell me first before you take a fucking step away from me." His darkened gray eyes stared at me with his fists clenched beside his body. "Are you nuts? Why do I have to inform you on everything that I would do? What is your problem, isn't it enough that you've came into my life and now ruining it?! I'm not a fucking dog!" I know I'd regret speaking out to him like this but I had to. In a second he was in front of me, he grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me back into the room. "Listen here, and listen to me well because I'm not gonna repeat myself." He's slammed me to the door, his hand around my neck, "You, Princess, are mine, MINE. You belong to me and I can do what the fuck ever I want with you because I possess you. From your toes to the tip of your hair strands belongs to me and me.only.. So before you run your smart little mouth again think of the consequences because you wouldn't want to find your loved ones dead in their sleep the next day would you?" He tucked a hair strand behind my ears, "Because I can arrange that happily."

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