Chapter 19

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Xavier Velders POV

I walked out of Bella's room to find her and that friend of hers hugging each other while the other girl was sobbing into her shoulder, god did she look fucking terrible.

She might put stress on my Bella with her awful mood right now so I wanted to tell her to fuck off and leave us alone but decided against that when I saw how concerned my baby was for her friend. She'd hate me even more if I did that wouldn't she?

Frustrated, I sighed and walked passed them and out of the house, controlling myself not to rip that girl away from Bella's arms. I didn't really like her sharing her time with anyone else but me. That girl, what's her name... Chloe? She's lucky she's one precious friend of my princess since they were kids, I know she meant a lot to her, so I'm going to try my best to not get jealous or upset with the two of them together, interrupting our time and all.

I hopped into my black lambo and was about to drive away when I got a call from Vader, my right hand man.

"Bro X, you need to come to the warehouse right now. The Hanes blew up our damn shipment from Italy in the middle of fucking Atlantic just this morning!"

"The fuck?! How the fuck did they even know about the shipment?!"

I yelled through the phone, trying to control my raging anger. The Hanes has been quiet lately, why the hell were they acting brave all of a sudden.

"We're still trying to figure that out, but you need to come over right now."

I hung up and punched the steering wheel in rage. Today has not been a decent day. Not wasting another second I drove away to our warehouse which was about 30 minutes away from here. When I arrived at our gang mansion I immediately called for a meeting with all the executive members. It lasted for about 10 hours— ordering and making plans about our next move against the Hanes and taking care of our destroyed supply ship.

By the time we were mostly done it was about 9 at night, I sat in my office chair at my office completely drained out. Sipping on my almost empty bottle of scotch, my mind wandered to my angel, my savior, my only light in this dark, hallow, meaningless life of mine.

I didn't know how I lived before I met her because I sure as hell can't now, I'd rather kill myself than live like that now. She's like a drug that I can't get enough of and can't live without, I'd go crazy without her, I'd lose my fucking mind. That's why I'm so protective of her, because I can't lose her no matter what. I'm selfish, before her I couldn't give a fuck about anyone except myself and now, well, I still don't give a fuck about anyone with an additional of the one special fucking girl. The world could burn down in front of my eyes and I could careless as long as I had her.

In the back of my mind, I know, this is all insane. When did I became this mad? So obsessed with this girl. I was the type to never look back at a woman after I'd used them for my own pleasure. What have she done to me..?

It doesn't matter. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered.

All I know is that I must have her for as long as I'm breathing. Yeah, that's right. As long as my heart still fucking beats. I'm never going to leave her alone. I... can't. I'll keep her forever locked up in my room if I had to just so she would not leave me.

Thinking back to this morning I remembered the photos I took of her in her bed. She was just so fucking adorable and sexy at the same time... I pulled out the three pictures from my back pocket and laid them on my desk.

Unzipping my pants, I pulled out my erect cock. Her pictures alone could make me hard as fuck damn it. I slowly pump my hand up and down my length staring at the photos in front of me, imagining her sweet petite figure underneath me as she squirms and moans. Small grunts escaped my mouth as I went faster, imagining all the fucked up things I wanted to do to her. Holly fuck.. the things she makes me feel without even trying.

With few final strokes, my whole body shook, I was in cloud nine and it was euphoria. My cum shoots out and landed on her pictures and I imagined me shooting my seeds deep inside her pussy. Jerking off never felt better fantasizing about my one and only woman. It was always a stress reliever too.

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