Chapter 11

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Finally getting out of Xavier's car, after lines of threats from him about socializing with males, I quickly walked to the entrance of the school

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Finally getting out of Xavier's car, after lines of threats from him about socializing with males, I quickly walked to the entrance of the school. I still felt his gaze burning on my back, I looked back through the glass doors once I entered the building and saw him nodded and drove away. I let out the biggest breath that I didn't know I was holding. I decided to text my parents that I'm staying at Chloe's for the week because she was going through something and she needed me. That was the best excuse I could come up with at least. Luckily they didn't question me further.

First period, I sat in my seat waiting for the class to be just over. I couldn't think straight, I was overwhelmed by evening that happened. Chloe was not at school today, with her excuse of period cramps, but really can you blame her. I felt a tap on my right shoulder from behind and I turned around to face Cade. He had his usual charming smile on, dork.

My heart unexpectedly fluttered as I saw the sunlight danced in his brown hair while making his skin glow golden. He was so angelic and charming, the total opposite of a certain someone.

"Are you okay Iss?" His voice snapped me out of my little daze.

I smiled at him, "Yeah, just had a rough morning."

"Oh, wanna talk about it?"

"Haha.. thanks but no it was really nothing."

The way this boy could easily put a smile on my face..

I forgot about all the worries and stress that I had been carrying, talking to Cade til the end of the class.

The bell rang and we got up getting out the classroom, "Hey, do you maybe want to grab lunch with me outside of school today?" He scratched the back of his neck, looking at me with unsure eyes, "Just the two of us."

How could I possibly deny that offer??


"I-I mean, sure Cade. I'll meet you at the front of the school at noon."

I gave him a thumb up and rushed out of the classroom into the hallways. I heard him shout behind me, "It's a date then!"

I chuckled softly as I got into my next class. I pressed my hand on my chest which my heart was hammering against wildly. This feeling, I had never felt like this before,

Well not since him.

I haven't had these feelings in a very long time.

The day passed by a blur until it was time for lunch. Before I walk to the front of the school to meet him, I went to the bathroom to quickly make sure I looked okay. Xavier was all over my body the whole day yesterday and last night, I smell like him all over. I fastened my pace to the place he was waiting for me, I was pretty excited.

"Hey Iss! Finally you showed up, I thought I was going to be stood up." He pout playfully.

I snickered, "Oops, sorry had to run to the bathroom for a bit."

We both walked to the parking lot to where his car was parked. He opened the door to his navy blue BMW convertible, such a gentleman isn't he.

He took me to a fancy restaurant, where we ate our meals and had very interesting conversations that had my head over the clouds. He was just so perfect, except for him being popular among girls and being known as a 'player'. As I got to know him more I came to conclusion that it was never his problem but the girls. He was a very interesting person deep inside, his hobbies involved reading, writing songs and poems, golfing and football.

He had dated a large amount of girls but you can't blame him when they literally always threw themselves at him and for him for breaking up with them a couple weeks later due to them being too different; girls were there for his looks and image and popularity, whereas he was looking for someone who would just understand and vibe with him. It seems girls only showed their true colors and what they wanted only after they started dating him.

While we were enjoying our time together, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I kept looking around just to find everyone minding their own business. Omg, I'm always so paranoid now thanks to that rich, rude ass dick!

"Are you sure you're okay Isabella? You've been looking like that since this morning." He said with concerned eyes.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling a bit tired."

He reached for my hand that was on the table, "You know you can tell me anything, I'm always here for you." He have me a reassuring smile.

"Let's get you back to school now."

I still couldn't shake away the feeling of being watched. I was in my last class just ten minutes before the bell rings, pondering about what I could do with my situation.

I was not going to move somewhere unfamiliar and to another school, and miss the opportunity to graduate together with all my friends and Chloe. He wasn't worth all that, it was a once in a lifetime experience that I had wait since I was in middle school, I wasn't going to let a certain dumb man ruin it. I was graduating in a couple months anyways, I'd be off to college somewhere far from here. I got this.


I sluggishly walked out of the school building and before I could even walk to the parking lot I saw Xavier's black lamborghini right in front of the school entrance driveway. He stared at me with those familiar cold eyes, telling me to get in the car. I got in the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt when he immediately sped away from the school area into the roads. Why was he so mad? Did I do something to him?

Shit, could he have find out about the little lunch date I had with Cade?! Oh no no no no. Please no.

Relax Isabella, there is no way he would find out, it's not like he's watching my every move 24/7. He didn't see me with any guy when he dropped me off and also didn't when he picked me up. He doesn't have a reason to be mad at me.

"So, Cade huh?"

I felt my heart stopped.

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