Cap. II The castle

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Mickey's pov:
"Me and my bro were getting ourselves ready for the adventure I planned for today. We had to take some warm clothes, cuz outside was freeeezing. Of course I took the map aswell."
-You done with the packing Ozzy?

Oswald's pov:
"After Mickey's alarm destroyed my dream, I went to the bathroom for a quick shower and after I managed to pack everything we needed, I think, for this small adventure."
-Yeah I think I got everything we need and of course "I pulled out the new sword." my new amazing sword 🗡️. "I looked at it proud of myself for some reason."

Author's pov:
After all the packing and the sassyness of Mr. Oswald the two bros went out of the house to see what's the secrets that this castle holds. Btw the name of the castle is Castle Dimitrescu. I'm more than sure you guys are familiar with this name.

Mickey's pov:
"This castle looked aswome, even if this is my second time seeing it I was still amazed. 230 years...and this is the second time I see it...I should probably get out of the house or HQ more often."
-This architecture is pretty close to the other two castles next to the HQ. I never thought of it, but could've been 3 castles build...I mean bought by the same person? If so then they were veeery rich.
"JUST the thought of someone affording 3 castles made my curiosity go even higher than before!."

Oswald's pov:
"Mickey was always assuming so many things, but this time I kinda feel like he's right. The architecture does look pretty similar, yet somethings are a bit different."
-It could be. I did hear in the past there were very rich families like Dimitrescu so it could be there's or someone's else...Meh, I don't really care let's just see what's inside. "As I said that I entered the castle followed by Mickey. Its interior was different than the other two castles so maybe it was bough by someone else. Tho one thing was for sure it was cold as hell inside. Thank god we took some warm clothes on us."

Felix's pov:
"I was looking outside when I saw a rabbit and a mouse entry my castle. By the looks of thier clothes I knew exactly what they were...hunters."
-Boris go hide in the attic I'll try to deal with them in some way.
"I knew Boris knew what I was talking about, cuz he, without hesitation, morphed into a bat and flew to the attic to hide."
-Heh, such a good kid. Anyway Felix let's see what are those two hunters up to. Hope they won't stay for too long and hope Bendy and Cuphead won't arrive too soon. They do sometimes kill humans especially intruders, which I'm not a big fan of. "I somehow forget to think to myself not talk to myself, but still I really am done with this war I just want the blood and death to be over, but I don't think it ever will. I morphed into a small mouse and ran downstairs to these two hunters. As I as was running I hit the foot of one of them. It was a tall handsome bunny-wait...what am saying?! I blushed and quickly ran away to hide"

Oswald's pov:
"I don't know how or why, but a mouse literally just smashed into my leg and then ran away. Tho something was off...I managed to take a quick glance at its eyes and they looked kinda red"
-Brother I'm starting to think we aren't alone in this castle. Have you found what you wanted, even tho you didn't even said anything about this thing you are searching for. "Gave him the "Really bro?" look."

Mickey's pov:
"Well this is definitely not my first time seeing him looking at me like that."
-Sorry Ozzy I got carried away with this stuff and forgot to say, but yes I did get it. "As I said that I pulled out of the bibliography some 200 years old books"
-Those books have so many interesting things in them that I didn't know. Like did you know the strongest monster that is out there is called a "Dark Witch" which are apperently extremely rare aswell? I wanna meet one right now, but at the same time not. I kinda want to be alive for a little longer "I giggled nervously as I put the books in my bag. There were just 3 of them, but it should be enough for now. Maybe I'll come back some other days to this castle for more books."

(Quick explanation the other two castles don't have, for some reason, bibliographies in them so all this time Mickey was trying to find the one that has and well he found it, but those books hold even more secrets than you think. Even so for now you only get the dark witch one sorry)

Oswald's pov:
"I rolled my eyes not really excited for some books. I then gave Mickey the "let's go" sign as me and him went out of the castle and walked away. I'm gonna bring more than just my sword next time. I really think that mouse was actually a vampire. There's no way it wasn't. Those eyes he or she had looked tooooo bloody red to me."

Felix's pov:
"As I watched the two hunters walk away I quickly ran to Boris to see how he is."
-Boris it's okay they are gone. You can come out!

Boris' pov:
"I heard what Mr. Felix said and went out my hiding spot. My stomach growled in anger-I mean hungryness? I don't think that's an actual word."

Felix's pov:
-Well seems like someone is hungry "I giggled." Come on Boris I'll cook you something and give you duck blood. I know it's your fav. "I smiled at him as he smiled back. We went to the kitchen and I gave him the duck blood. I also started to cook an apple pie, cuz it was the only receipt I knew. I didn't have many cooking books. Maybe tomorrow I'll finally buy some and maybe I'll meet that bunny hunter again. I didn't saw him entirely, so yeah I guess I am a bit curious to see how he fully looks. I blushed a bit."

("A bit curious"? Felix I don't think only a bit 😼.
See ya in the next cap. 😁)

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