Cap VII I love you too

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Author's pov:
Zara started to attack Felix as he dodged and blocked with his claws some of the attacks. Felix did attacked back and maneged to take some scratches on Zara, but this time since Zara knew how Felix fights, he avoided most of his attacks. Oswald and Mickey didn't know what to do they stayed there and watched. Till one point when Zara catched Felix leg and threw him against a wall pretty hard and was about to decapitate him, but Oswald stopped him.

Oswald's pov:
"I don't usually like vampires, but this one saved my bro and it's actually a very nice one so I won't let him die. I managed to throw Zara's sword on the floor and Mickey pulled Zara on the floor. Wow he actually attacked someone for the first time. I'm so proud of him."
-You ok there Felix? "I gave him my hand."

Felix's pov:
"I reached for Oswald's hand, but then the same sword that killed Boris went through him."
-Ozzy no! "Both me and Mickey screamed."
-This is not happening! Not again! "I get up looking at Zara."
-Why are you doing this I never eve hurted you! But you, not only killed Boris, but also the one I love the most! "I started to cry, my eyes being red."

Oswald's pov:
"He heard Felix say that, before he passed out completely. Mickey crying as well still trying to help him."

Zara's pov:
"I got up and looked at the cat."
-Oh booo~ ho ho! You're stupid kind took my lover from me as well. You are the ones who made my life feel like a fucking nightmare! He was the best thing for me, but no he had to die, didn't he?...He was just a poor little fox who never deserved to die! But hey now we are even aren't we?~ "I laughed a bit like a maniac."

Felix's pov:
"Wait a little fox? Wait wait wait there's no way."
-Was this fox boy having blue eyes and a red scarf?

Zara's pov:
"My ears popped up a bit."
-How in the hell do you know how my boyfriend looked like?

Felix's pov:
"I remained a bit silent than asked."
-Did someone save you from that incident?

Zara's pov:
"Ugh how many questions does this guy have?! But I guess I can still answer them."
-Yes there was, but I couldn't see his face in time. He jumped in mine's and Liam's house and immediately attacked the 3 vampires ambushed us. Since I was still alive I assumed that guy managed to make the vampires run away. He and Liam were the only ones who ever truly helped me in my life. But enough with this bullshit prepare to die!-

Felix's pov:
"Yep I know was sure."
-I was that guy who saved you. I'm sorry I couldn't save your bf as well."

Zara's pov:
"I became immediately silent."
-N-no you're can't be you. "I then realized the fighting style he had was like the one who saved me."
-N-no this can't be!...I made the one who saved feel my pain...n-no there's just no way!.. "I was backing up this all time."
-This can't be happening!...What did I d-do?!... Everyone was right I am a monster I n-now see it! "I felt on my knees." I wanted t-to revenge my anger has gone me mad and now what did I do?...What the fuck did you do Zara?! The exact opposite thing you idiot! "I now was on all four."
-Pls... fucking kill me pls! I did nothing, but to ruin your life...My own saviour's life...I should be put to a bloody end so pls kill me!

Felix's pov:
"I was silent. I never thought his lover's dead would do something like this to him. He really was desparte to revenge his bf. I smiled, took his sword and walked to him, as he was shivering still in shock. I didn't kill him, but I did petted him and give him back he's sword."
-I forgive you. You only wanted to revenge your lover. That's not a bad thing and, plus you didn't know I was the one who saved you, so you in theory you did nothing wrong, which means you don't deserve to die. "He took the sword and standed up, wiping he's tears."

Mickey's pov:
"It felt kinda nice to see the war between those two was over, but my bro...I can't believe I lost him. I put my head on him and started to cry."
-Ozzy you promised you won't leave me too soon when we were younger...guess not all promises can be maintained...

Felix's pov:
"I petted Mickey's back."
-I know someone who can help him I promise, even if some promises can't be held, this one can I assure you that Miecky. "I smiled at him and he weakly smiled back and stood up."
-Zara pls take Oswald and Mickey I give you my word I'll save him. "Mickey nodded."

Author's pov:
Zara took Oswald on his shoulder and followed Felix, Mickey as well. After a bit of a walk they arrived at Veres' castle. She was again on her throne looking, as if she was waiting for them for a long time.

Veres' pov:
"I saw the cat and a mouse and a bunny carrying another bunny on his back. I then realized it was the one that the cat, Felix, loves. Ughh I knew Zara would be a problem, but why isn't he attacking Felix? Why does he look like he cried?"
-So what's the meaning of this visit?

Felix's pov:
"I looked down then back at her."
-Mrs. Veres can you pls help Oswald the lucky rabbit? "As I said that Zara putted him down."

Veres' pov:
"I walked to the dead rabbit and put my finger on his forward."
-I see apperently his dead wasn't actually intentional. The sword who killed him was meant for you cat boy. So in that meaning I need to use another spell "Living death's revenge", but in this one case I need to absorb the life of someone and give it to this dead rabbit in order to revive him.

Author's pov:
Everyone became silent. They certainly never expected this answer. Felix thought she would've used the same spell she used on Boris, but in Boris' case the death was intentional. Felix took a deep breath and said:
~I'll do it-~ but he was immediately cut off by Zara.

Zara's pov:
"After all I've done to this. All the suffering I made him feel...This was the least I could do."
-I'll do it. I will give you my life to save his. I have done enough trouble for I want to redeem myself and make the right thing so pls take my life and revive him!

Felix's pov:
"As much as I wanted Oswald alive, I kinda wanted to refuse, but seeing how determined the crazy, or I mean the now not crazy hunter, determined was I just shut up. Both me and Mickey just stayed silent."

Veres' pov:
"Heh guess he's not so much of an ass after all."
-Alright boy if you insist that badly. "I turned on the spell which made both Zara and Oswald levitate. Zara passed out and some dark smoke from the spell went into him and sucking all of his live, then it went into Oswald giving him the absorbed life. Both of them fell on the ground, one dead and the other revived."

Felix's and Mickey's pov:
"Both of us ran to Oswald."
-Ozzy you there?! Pls answer us! "We shacked him a bit and then he opened his eyes coughing, as both us smiled with tears in our eyes as we hugged him."

Oswald's pov:
"I woke up to see Mickey and Felix hugging me, with tears in thier eyes as it made me smile. I looked at Felix and wiped his tears."
-I love you Felix. ❤️ "I saw his face turn from happy to red like a tomato, as I giggled and pulled him into a deep, but not so rough kiss."

Felix's pov:
"Oh my god! He was kissing me. I was in a deep shock, but managed to give in as both us closed our eyes melting into this beautiful kiss. After a bit we pulled out for air."
-I love you too Oswald. ❤️

Veres' pov:
"I was admiring the kiss and said to myself."
-The game is finally over.

~The end~

(Hope you guys liked it and dw I got more ideas for the next book x3 ✨ But for now stay safe and see ya in the next book 💙🤗)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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