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Lemme remind that pussy, you know it's mine that pussy
Know how to find that pussy, taste sweet as wine that pussy
Licky, licky, la-la I'm going down there
Got my face in sticky places, go to town yeah.
Got my head between your legs, you wrap around there.
And when I reach your pretty peach, I'll never drown there.

- Inside x Jaquees ft. Trey Songz

I usually listen to music as I write, and when this song come on in shuffle I instantly said "Katsuki Energy" and scrolled up to name the chapter! Lmao I hope you enjoy.

-Tia, the one who has a sex playlist specifically made to help write smut :)

My eyes flutter open, seeing Katsuki sleeping next to me so peacefully. His chest rising and falling evenly, his messy hair falling into his face. The rays of the sun making his skin glow so angelic, my breath got caught in my throat. He was so fucking beautiful. I let my head fall in my hand and just watched him sleeping. It was hard to believe how he pulled me in. Just being so caring, so aggressively loving. Everything that was Katsuki that made him who he was made me just love him even more. He never understood that.

He shifts in his sleep, turning onto his side, his arm finding me and pulling me close to him. His face nuzzles into my neck. He inhales deeply, exhaling slowly, his thumb grazing up and down my back. I entangle my fingers into his hair, my thumb brushing against his undercut, making his grip on my waist tighten. His lips poking out to kiss my neck, making me smile.

"Good morning, Katsuki." I whisper in his ear, knowing he was awake and just trying to get himself back to sleep. "You missed your run this morning."

"I wanted to sleep in." He grumbles, peppering my neck with kisses before lifting his head up. His eyes slowly flutter open, blinking a few times before they landed on me. "You looked so peaceful while sleeping, I didn't wanna wake you up."

"Slacking on your runs just for me?" I smirk as I look at him. "You're getting soft on me Katsu."

He smirks, leaning forward and kissing me softly. "Shut the fuck up." He whispers against my lips. his thumb brushing against my cheek softly. "It just felt good to wake up next to you."

"You can't just say things like that and not think I'm not gonna call you soft, Katsuki Bakugo." I grin against his lips, feeling his hand slip from my face to my neck making me giggle.

"Don't ruin a good moment, asshole." He growls, his eyes darkening. He rolls on top of me, lifting my leg up as he peppers kisses on my cheek and neck. His phone rings, making him groan and curse outloud.

"Fuck." He grumbles, reaching for his phone on the nightstand. He answered it placing the phone to his ear. "Yeah, what?"

There goes that attitude.

"Fuck..." He grits. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming. Drop the location."

He ends the call and rolls out of the bed, stretching his muscles. I sit up watching him put the clothes on I had to help him out of last night. It was a wonder he could've held a conversation last night with how drunk he was. He pushes his hair out his face once he's dressed and crouches down to my side of the bed after digging into his wallet. He took my hand, placing a key into my palm.

"Pack some things and head to my house." He says. "I'll see you later." He kisses my forehead and stands, but I grab his hand jerking him back he looks down at me, a small smirk on his lips. "I have to go, Y/N."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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