Katsuki's Fight

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Team four: Katsuki, Jirou, Sero, and Sato. A well-balanced team in my opinion. Once they reached the field they talked until the horn went off, indicating the start of the round. Sero went off and used his tape to make something of a spiderweb while they all moved forward. Jirou used her Quirk to determine where the other team is coming from. Katsuki led the way as they ran.

He stopped midair and crouched on a pipe, letting Jirou use her Quirk easier. Small blob-looking things floated around them.

"That's Tokage's Quirk," Deku said.

"Looks really gross," I mumbled as I watched her disembodied mouth fly around Katsuki. He fought against them by blasting them. The other three members of his team were caged in a spiderweb of Sero's tape. As white goop rained down and covered the tape, I didn't even have to look at Deku for him to explain it to me.

"That's Bondo's Quirk. He can shoot out glue and can control how fast it dries."

From above was the third Class B teammate.

"Kamakiri," Deku said. "He can make blades from anywhere on his body."

Kamakiri went around and sliced the tubes and pipes that Sero's tape was connected to so they would all fall on top of them. Sato was ready to protect his teammates when Katsuki zoomed by and broke the giant pipe that was falling. Kamakiri advanced from above and was aiming for Jirou. Katsuki kicked Jirou out of the way and blasted Kamakiri in the face.

I smiled, my smile turned into a grin.

"Save people to win. Win to save people," Deku whispered.

Class B scattered and Jirou used her Quirk again. After some talking, Katsuki went after Bondo, before he could reach him someone else ambushed Katsuki. His gauntlets were suddenly bonded to the pipes around him.

"That's Awase, he can weld things together at the molecular level by touching them," Deku said.

Sato came to Katsuki's aid and destroyed the pieces welded to his gauntlets with a series of punches. The gauntlets broke but he was free. I noticed the metal poles welded into Katsuki's back and cringed.

That's got to be uncomfortable.

Katsuki chased after Awase; Jirou and Sero were following close behind. Katsuki blasted down to fly up and give Jirou and Sero their time to attack Awase. Jirou attacked with her heartbeat attack that I could faintly hear from where I sat with everyone watching.

Katsuki made his way towards Bondo, but he was being followed by Tokage. Katsuki fought Bondo briefly, long enough to make a smokescreen for Sato to sweep in through the smoke and capture him. So far Awase and Bondo are captured.

Jirou pointed Sero and Katuski in the direction of Kamakiri. Sero distracted him allowing Katsuki to come in from the side and grab him. Katsuki used his Quirk to spin around, a tornado of smoke surrounded them until Kamakiri was thrown against a building with all the momentum that was built up from spinning. Sero wrapped Kamakiri with his tape, making it three captures.

It was brief but I saw one of Katsuki's bombs that he hangs on his belt taped to a piece of Tokage's body that was heading back to the main body. The explosion that followed confirmed it. Tokage moved around the pillar she was in front of and met Katsuki, face to gloves. An explosion rang out and I sighed. I've been smiling this whole time.

"Oh my, It didn't even take five minutes..." Vlad King sighed. "With unexpected teamwork, Class A wins with a perfect four to zero!"

Katsuki shouted at Awase to un-weld the things from his back before standing with his team and Dad for evaluation.  I stood with a grin on my face as the team made their way to where everyone stood in front of the giant screen. They stopped briefly by All Might before walking over.

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