Attack on USJ (Part 1)

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"Oi wake up" I was shaken awake and opened my eyes. I noticed people were walking off the bus already. I yawned and stood to stretch my arms and legs.

"How's your head?" Dad asked as I stepped off the bus.

"A lot better, thanks" I smiled up at him and followed the class into the dome-shaped building, with Bakugou behind me.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm, et cetera. It's a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint!" Space hero Thirteen looked proudly over USJ.

"Thirteen, where's All Might?" Dad asked. "He was supposed to meet us here"

Thirteen walked up to dad and spoke quietly to him. "It can't be helped, shall we begin?" He said and Thirteen spoke again.

"Before we begin let me say one thing, or two, or three... or four, five... six... seven" Thirteen gave us an explanation of her quirk. She also spoke about how some Quirks can easily kill, but I tuned out since I don't have a Quirk like that. I looked around a bit. Bakugou was to my left and Toru was to my right. I looked down at the scenarios too, thinking about which one I would have to work in.

"That is all. Thank you for listening" Thirteen finished with a bow and the class clapped.

"Alright then, first-" Dad started but stopped abruptly when the lights around the dome flickered off. I looked around and saw the water flow of the fountain in the middle start wavering, I squinted thinking that my eyes were playing tricks on me when it looked like the fountain was bending but a purple vortex appeared from it. I watched as Dad turned and watched someone's head show from the middle of the vortex.

"Gather together and dont move!" He said looking straight at me, "Thirteen protect the students" He told her, the seriousness in his voice made me nervous. I saw Izuku take a step forward but my dad stopped him. I watched him put his goggles on.

"Oh no" I whispered raising my hand to my mouth in fear. Bakugou took a step forward, his body was half in front of mine. I instinctively reached out for his arm, my hand found purchase on his gauntlet. I extended my arm to Toru, her gloved hand held mine.

"Those are villans," My dad turned to face them completely. I did not doubt his abilities to fight villains but more and more villains kept pouring from the purple vortex making me more and more scared.

"No way, don't you dare fight all of those by yourself old man" I whispered again, I felt myself shake from fear of what's going through my dad's head.

"Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. Kaminari, try contacting the school with your Quirk too."

"What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself?" Izuku asked, "With that many, even if you can't erase their Quirks, your fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's Quirk."

"You can't be a hero with just one trick." He said looking back before jumping down the stairs that led to the swarm of villans.

"NO!" I screamed pushing past Bakugou and my classmates in an attempt to get to my dad to at least help.

Thirteen grabbed me before I could make it down the stairs.

"LET ME GO I HAVE TO HELP HIM! HE CAN'T FIGHT THAT MANY BY HIMSELF, LET ME FUCKING GO GODDAMNIT! I CAN HELP HIM!" I was slung over Thirteen's shoulder, giving me a perfect view of my dad running head-on, to the front of the crowd.

"Emma calm down, he's a pro hero!" Ochako's voice behind me rang through my ears. I stopped thrashing against Thirteen and turned over my shoulder to face her. I felt a tear fall down my face as I glared daggers at her.

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