Sleepover and Training

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After dinner, and Masaru declining my offer to help clean up again, I sat on the couch waiting for Katsuki to come back from his room to walk me home. I laid my head back and closed my eyes.

Can he hurry up? I need to study what I can before going to sleep. We may have a week to ourselves to study and train but I want to start as soon a-

I opened my eyes after feeling something soft get thrown on my lap. I looked down and saw a sleeveless hoodie and basketball shorts.

"What am I suppose to do with these?" I lifted the pile off my lap and looked up at Katsuki.

"Put them on, you're staying the night here."

"Wh- since when?" I stood up, placing his clothes on the couch.

"Since I asked my mom"

"And you decided this for me?"

"Nothing is stopping you from leaving" I opened my mouth to say something more but closed it.

He's right but...

I squinted at him.

"Again," He stepped closer and gently placed his hands on my waist. "No one is stopping you from leaving." He said uncharacteristically soft. My heart pounded heavily.

"Who are you and what did you do with Katsuki?" I whispered, surprised by his gentle touch.

"I'm right here, what kind of fucking question is that?" He squinted.

"Oh, there you are" I gave him a small smile. "I guess I'll stay... but what do I tell my dad? He'll freak out if he comes home and I'm not there. And what about my uniform?"

"Just tell him you're at a friend's house, and I can tell the old hag to throw it in the washer."

"I guess I could text him that I'm at Mina's..." I grabbed my phone and started to text my dad, and Mina just in case. I went to the bathroom to change into the clothes Katsuki brought me. Since the hoodie was sleeveless my entire side was revealed. I was debating about keeping my bra on but I needed to wash it, along with my underwear. I slipped his shorts on and tied the string around the waistband to make them smaller.

When I walked out I found Mitsuki in the kitchen and handed her my uniform.

"Is it safe to assume that you two are dating now?" She asked with a wink as she placed my uniform on the table behind her. I nodded silently, her hand was placed on my shoulder and I looked up. "Take care of him, I know he might need a little work but he's a great kid." She pulled me in for a hug. "Also tell me if he ever hurts you, I'll make sure to kill him for you," She said into my ear and I chuckled.

I hugged her back politely but realized something. I've never had a woman in my life that I look up to. With my mom gone a few months after my birth and growing up with my dad. Mitsuki kind of filled a hole in my heart I didn't know I had. As a result, I squeezed her a little harder before pulling away.

"Are you okay?" She asked, lowering herself so her eyes were leveled with mine.

"What do you mean?" I blinked and a tear escaped both my eyes. "Oh, wow I'm just crying today I guess," I said with a small chuckle. But Mitsuki's worried expression didn't waver. "It's just, my mom left me and my dad after I was born and... I guess you gave me something I never realized I needed." I smiled as I wiped my cheeks with the neckline of the hoodie.

"Oh baby, I'll always be here for you" She gave me a grin and reached for her phone.

"Can I get your dad's number? To call and tell him you're staying with us."

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