Day 1 of Prep

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"We finally made up all our extra classes!" I sighed and stretched my arms over my head.

"I'm excited to start helping out with the festival!" Ochako pumped her fists.

We walked up to our dorm building and Kirishima opened the doors for us.

"Hey," Kirishima greeted.

"Sorry we're late," Deku smiled.

"We finally made up all our classes," Ochako said

"We can help out for real now!" Tsu said, followed by a ribbit.

We listened as Jirou explained what everyone decided to do for the festival.

"Rave-type club rock music huh?" I tapped my cheek

"I understand Jirou on bass and Yaoyorozu on keyboards..." Kiri crossed his arms.

"But Bakugou on drums is a little..." Ochako continued.

"Unexpected!" Toru jumped.

"You got a problem with that?!" Katsuki shouted.

"Yeah, I thought you played bass," I said walking up to him.

"My old hag made me take music classes growing up, I learned the drums and bass," He growled.

"That's just like Mitsuki," I smiled. "I miss your mom, we should go see her!"

"NO WAY, GO BY YOURSELF!" Katsuki tensed.

"Aw, that's no fun though!" I giggled.

"Who will sing the all-important vocals then?" Tsu asked, making me leave Katsuki and walk up to her.

"We haven't decided yet," Jirou said

"You're not going to sing Jirou?" Ochako asked, making Jirou shout in confusion.

"I can't play any instruments, but I'm a pretty good singer!" Kiri pointed his thumbs at himself and started singing something I didn't recognize. I reached over and covered his mouth with my hand.

"Please, we both know that out of the two of us, I'm the better singer," I looked up at him.

"She's right!" Mina bounced next to me. "You rocked that house party!" She grabbed my waist and squeezed.

"Jirou sings really well too," Toru stood next to Jirou.

"If I do sing, I'd rather do backup for Jirou," I pulled MIna's hands off me and she linked her fingers in mine.

"What? Why?" She whined.

"I'm not used to singing in front of a school, I sing in front of adults who have been drinking, while I've also been drinking-"

"You shouldn't be drinking at your age!" Iida stomped in front of me suddenly and waved his choppy arms. "I should tell Mr. Aizawa-!" I cupped my hand over his mouth.

"He already knows," I deadpanned

"What do you mean he knows?" Katsuki asked.

"I told him about the house party I took you to after the attack on our training camp," I pulled Katsuki down so I can whisper the next part to him. "Because of Dabi,"

"Did you get in trouble?" He asked, standing up straight again.

"Nope!" I smiled.

"Why not?" Mina asked. "I figured Mr. Aizawa would have harsh punishments."

"Apparently, he already knew I snuck out once a month to go there. He just let me- anyway, Jirou should do vocals." I pointed at her. 

Toru shouted an agreement and pulled the mic that stood next to the drum set up to Jirou.

Soft Spot | Bakugou Katsuki x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt