Alternate Ending

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A/N I felt bad about not completing the book so I wanted to surprise you all with an alternate ending! Let me know what you thought of this in the comments and, yeah, let's hope this goes well.

I step onto the ship with Alex and look around.

"You could stay here you know." Alex says.

"Where would I stay? You're leaving for New York soon. it's better this way." I try to convince Alex as much as I try to convince myself. Will things really be better like this?

"Home is the place where you're happy, loved, safe. Somewhere you know you belong. Is that how you feel where you're from?" Alex asks. No.

"That's not the point, Alex. I was trained to be here one summer, leave, and never return. I was never meant to make friends or feel, well, happy. I was supposed to learn what I had to learn and leave. But you, and everyone else for that matter has changed my point of view completely." I explain. Alex walks closer to me and takes my hand in his.

"That wasn't the question." I don't even think it through before leaning in. I might forget some of the details, but I'll never forget this moment. Alex places his hands on my waist pulling me closer and I put mine around his neck. I pull back and smile at him.

"How long does it take to develop feelings for someone?" I ask.

"Twelve hours, apparently." Alex smiles. I walk over to the control deck and then to Echo.

"You ready to go back home, little guy?" Echo makes a beeping noise and I smile
Sadly at Alex. The ship starts shaking and exits open.

"The ship is about to take off. You need to go." I say, looking at the ground. Alex walks over and wraps his arms around me. The ship shakes more.

"Thank you so much. You showed me how to have the best time of my life in twelve hours." I feel tears running down my face.

"Hey, It'll be okay, Ari. I promise." Alex smiles as much as he can. The ship starts to really shake and I shove Alex towards the exit. He turns around once more and smiles sadly. Alex leaves and the ship takes off. Never will I forget this. These people showed me what the world truly is. And I'll never forget them. I promise.
--------four years later--------
"Six three five, check cameras eight and nine." President Green tells me. I click on the camera of the recruit we sent to earth and see a boy with brown eyes and brown hair. I stop breathing completely when I see the dark skinned boy and blond haired boy behind him. Alex, Tuck, and Munch. I've missed them more than words can describe. I smile at the screen seeing Alex still smiles the same and has the same stupid ideas he had when I was there. Suddenly one thought came to my mind. I promise.

Down To Earth (Teo Halm/Earth to Echo FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora