Tsukishima Kei

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Welp, here we go.

1. He's mean

I get it, he's salty and makes fun of people. But that doesn't make him a mean person. It's just his personality. He's not mean whatsoever. He's just salty. 

2. Calls Kageyama "King" 24/7

I get it. He calls him that a lot. But that's just to irritate Kageyama and to get a reaction out of him. There are times where he calls Kageyama by his name. 

3. He is in love with dinosaurs

I get this one a little. But just because he has one dinosaur figure in his room doesn't make him a Dino fanatic. Not to mention that he works at a museum in the timeskip. If anything, he probably just likes history.

4. He's mean to Yamaguchi for no reason

I get it, he says "Shut up Yamaguchi", but that's only when Yamaguchi is being a little too much. He doesn't say it everything Yamaguchi tries to talk. 

Tips to make a better fanon.

1. Make him a little nicer. He's not mean, but he likes to tease.

2. Stop making him say "Urusai Yamaguchi" 24/7. Just make him say it when he's being a little much.

3. Don't make him a Dino fanatic.

Thank you for coming to my rant. 

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