Sawamura Daichi

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AHHHH! Here we go again

1. It's just the same as suga. Please tone the dad down.

2. Deadchi

When I first got into the Haikyuu fandom, it was the middle of 6th grade, maybe November. And I always thought that the "Deadchi, fly high" joke was funny. But then in December 12th, in my final period of the day, which was computer coding, we were watching a video, and there were some sort of flashing lights, and I had a seizure in the middle. I don't remember what video it was, but I had a seizure. I couldn't go to school the next day just as a precaution. And when I came back after the weekend, it was lunch break when two of my friends, let's call them Lily and Mary. I was going to talk to them but then I heard Lily says "Wow. I can't believe that (irl name) had a seizure. I hope she's in a better place now." I froze after I heard that. I tapped Mary's shoulder to tell her that I was there and listening. Hell, I was even in between them trying to get their attention. And Mary has the fucking audacity to say to my face like I wasn't even there "Yeah it kinda sucks that she's gone, but what happened, happened. Just kinda wish I had said goodbye." I ran away from them, never talked to them again. I had to go to my best friend, let's call him Mark, drag him away from his friends, just so I could be alone with him to cry. I know what it's like to be ignored and have people say "Rest in Peace (irl name). I hope you're in a better place." It's really painful and I encourage you to stop the Deadchi joke. Please!

Better fanon? Tips here

1. Tone the dad down. All the way down.

2. Stop the Deadchi

Thank you for coming to my rant 

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