Tanaka Ryuunosuke and Nishinoya Yuu

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UGHHHH!!! Here we go

1. They are simps

Yes they are real life simp for Kiyoko, but I'm sure that if they had a group chat and Kiyoko comes online and speaks, they don't go "Kiyoko-San💓💖💗💝💞❤️💕💖💞💓💘". They would be a little less simp like and go "HI KIYOKO-SAN!" And if you ship EnnoTana or AsaNoya, or any ship that contains these two character, stop making them simp over Kiyoko, but respect her and love their partners

2. Dumb ASF

Just like Hinata and Kags.

Better fanon? Here's tips.

1. Make them extra chaotic. Make the simping less extreme. Tone it down a bit.

Thank you for coming to my rant 

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