Yamaguchi Tadashi

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Imma kill someone. Here we go

1. He's too nice

You do realize that he scolds people for doing something wrong when it comes to Tsukishima, he helps Tsukki with teasing, and doesn't try to stop him. He is kind, but he doesn't try to stop Tsukishima from teasing others

2. He apologizes to Tsukishima every time he says "Urusai Yamaguchi"

Yes, he does says sorry. But he does it even when he knows he did nothing wrong. 

3. He's too timid

STOP MAKING HIM SO TIMID!!! Yes he has some sort of performance anxiety, but he does not have anxiety overall. Anxiety is a real problem, and making jokes about it isn't funny.

Tips on making a better fanon

1. Stop making him apologize 24/7. Make him talk back a little. 

2. Make him a little chaotic. He can do  what he wants. Tsukishima doesn't control him.

3. Make him a little less timid. Make him a little more courageous.

Thank you for coming to my rant 

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