Kuroo Tetsurou

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1. He's a fucking sex god

Okay. He is in high school and I understand that some minors do partake in these activities, but he's an athlete and focuses on that and his grades. So even if he feels attracted to someone, he would want to wait until at least after high school.

2. He's fucking annoying

Kuroo is fucking annoying in the fandom. Cause apparently some one just thought "Well, instead of a sex god, let's make him a chemistry nerd". Yes he is a science nerd, but science is not all he talks about. He says smart things, and has a large vocabulary, but that doesn't mean he absolutely loves chemistry. It just means he has good grades, pays attention in class, and has a large vocabulary.

Better fanon? Here's how

1. Stop the sex god joke. It's not funny. To some people it may be, but to some others it's not. Don't make him go around fucking random people. Take Yachi for example. She's small and timid. And if she were to have sex with random guys, imagine how disappointed her mother would be. She wouldn't do this, ruching random guys, and Kuroo wouldn't go around fucking random girls.

2. Stop the chemistry nerd. Wanna make him a nerd? That's perfectly fine. Don't just stop at chemistry though. Go full out science nerd!

Thank you for coming to my rant 

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