Part Eight

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Ice cream is always the best. No matter who you're with, how you feel, what the weather it is. Its just the best. And that's exactly how Luna came up with an first official date. There was a new ice cream shop opened not to far from her house so she decided, why not.

Seeing the shop for the first time was absolutely amazing. Their was so many flavors of ice cream, so many dippings and toppings. It was like walking into an amusement park for the first time. 

"Welcome to wildflower, step up to 5 please" One of the workers said. Luna held onto both Cora and Daph's hands. Pulling them towards the the other work.

"Hello good morning, what sizes would you ladies like?" said the worker

"Three larges please" Cora spoke. And then they did the whole process of what type of ice cream they want, what type of syrup they want. If they wanted some candies or toppings on top.

Once they were finally done they took a seat at a table.

"I can't believe you got plain Vanilla ice cream" Cora scrunched her nose up at her . Luna let out a chuckle.

"It's not plain, there's chocolate syrup. Plus vanilla is the best flavor out here" Daph defended herself, scoping more ice cream in her mouth.

"I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure mint chocolate is the best. Like think about it. Minty and chocolate, that's sounds like love" Cora basically moaned as she tasted her ice cream

"Ew- that's a crime, literally. Mint and chocolate should have never been made together. And the fact that you're eating it with gummy bears. In my opinion Cookies' n cream is the absolute best. Its just so perfect" Luna said.

"Uh cookie' n cream is so basic though honestly I don't even thin...." Cora cut herself off, looking past both Daph and Luna

"Cora are you ok? You kinda just stopp-"

"Isn't that Vick" Cora said. Squinting at another table. All three of their head were now facing the same way. Vick had their back towards the group but Cora knew that hair cut anywhere. Whoever was with Vick spotted the three of them looking and whispered something to Vick to Vick. Soon enough he turned with his eyebrow raised. He looked very shocked at first but just waved it off.

"Is he on a hmm that's fascinating. Anyways as I was saying" Luna totally zoned out. Thinking about Daphne's question. What if he was on a date? What if Wednesday found out? How would they feel?

"Babe" Luna was brought out of her thoughts. "You good?" Luna simply nodded at Cora before joining into their conversation







After the ice cream shop we headed to the mall for like a 4 hours then headed home.

Today was really good, i enjoyed myself. But i cant stop thinking about Victor.

Was he actually on a date?

Would it really matter though? Wenny claims their feelings for Vick isn't serious but I'm pretty sure that's a lie. Wenny won't ever find out though, so it can't hurt them. But why do i feel bad for not telling them.

What if it wasn't even a date and I'm just overreacting? Did it look like an date? 

Maybe I shouldn't get involved 





After showering I called Daph and we said our goodnights, but I couldn't fall asleep for some reason. Most of my stories are either finished or on Hiatus- though I can try coming up with new plots?

I thought that may help but as soon as I got in front of my computer screen, my mind was blank. I started browsing through my Pinterest feed which was mostly clothes and fashion. So i scrolled and Scrolled.

I don't even remembering going to sleep but I didn't make it to the bed. This isn't the first time I've fell asleep at my computer desk- and it won't be the last. I groaned as I looked at my computer screen, the time 3:58. I looked away from the time only to see a clothing website. My shopping cart was full of clothes worth $700 dollars. Did I put all that in there? I don't remember.

I was making my way to my bed-but stopped when I heard banging on my front door. Usually she would've just let them bang but it seemed to be serious 







(A/N) Sorry for not updating, I've been very busy with my "life". But Next update is might be tomorrow since I'm going on vacation this weekend.

The chapter's a little short but the next one is filled with more..drama? 

Anyways I'm proud of you and enjoy your day!! See you next time.

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