Chapter 10

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The next day while Callie was working, Triton accepted an invitation to hang out with the guys without the girls

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The next day while Callie was working, Triton accepted an invitation to hang out with the guys without the girls. This time, they met up on the black top of a basketball court. They had to explain the rules of the game to Triton once again.

"Where did you say you were from, Triton?" Trevor asked.

Triton opened a can of beer given to him by the peacock they called Matt. "Greece."

"Oh, like Delphi?" Hayden asked.

"Exactly like Delphi."

"Do they not have basketball in Greece?" Trevor asked in a suspicious manner.

"We do. Delphi and I came from very strict families. Old money. Our parents had us focus on academics and a different brand of athletics."

"You and Delphi know each other?" Hayden asked.

The conversation was going exactly where Triton wanted it to go. Humans made manipulation so easy. At this moment, Triton displayed a forlorn expression for his captivated audience. He found it hard to balance the distinction between being seen as lovesick and being thought of as pathetic. His pride would not bear for humans to look down on him. "We grew up together. We were once really close..."

"Delphi didn't tell me that."

"Yeah. It's actually why I am here, to convince her to come back home with me."

Matt, to Triton's surprise, was the first to pick up what the prince was subtly hinting at. "Hold up. You and Delphi a thing?"

"We were engaged at one point."

"Bollicks. What happened?" Dion asked now interested in the topic. "Did yous cheat?"

"No, of course not. Her reason for leaving didn't really have anything to do with me. There was a lot of pressure, on both of us. She felt trapped by obligation. And now she is convinced that I didn't mean it when I told her I wanted to marry her. She is being quite stubborn."

"Yeah. Women can be. Once a woman thinks she is right, she can't be wrong. You know what I'm sayin'?" Dion said. "Like the other day, Shonda was asking me where I put her keys. I said 'I didn't touch your keys'. She said 'I know you did'. Like how the bloody hell am I wrong in that?"

Dion went on with his story, but Triton was only half-listening. He did what he accomplished. Claiming Delphi as his and stating his intentions to pursue her was all that was needed to enact "bro code". He glanced over to where Hayden was also not really paying attention to Dion's story. He remained silent ever since Triton revealed his connection to Delphi. From the way Adam kept eying his little brother, Triton was right in his presumption that the human had started developing feelings for the Atlantean crown princess.

Now he will just keep the humans close as friends, effectively throwing a wrench into Delphi's wooing. The human boy would feel conflicted over pursuing his newfound feelings because of the false sense of brotherhood. If Hayden were more sleazy and conniving, he would go after the pretty girl regardless of Triton's "feelings". But because he is so sweet and noble and all the things Delphi admires him for, that won't happen. Every reason Delphi fell in love would be the exact reason her love would not be enough.

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