Chapter 14

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Erza's heterochromic eyes narrowed then glowed violet as she pressed a finger to CALLIE's forehead. "Don't promise. Make the oath. Swear to me you will not tell anyone what I am about to tell ya."

"But... I can't make an oath. I'm only human."

"Making a divine oath only takes one magic user. Swear it."

"You really don't trust me?"

"No. I trust only myself. If you're not willing to swear by the gods, then we have nothing to discuss."

"You're making me really nervous. But okay! I swear by your gods I won't speak a word." A warmth spread from Erza's finger until it became more focused. The magic was like a string wrapping itself around Callie's brain and suddenly tugging tight. "Ouch! That hurt!"

"It'll hurt worse if ya break your oath."

"Noted. Geez," she winced rubbing her head as the pain faded away. "So why the secrecy?"

"It's complicated. Triton told you a seawitch is obligated to help the Atlanteans adapt to the land due to the divine oath, right?" Callie only nodded. The witch continued, "Well, it's foolish to do something without compensation. I had no choice but to help Delphi blend in, but getting close to Hayden does not warrant inciting the oath. I told her I'd only help if I got something out of it. You look disappointed. You don't agree?"

"Depends on what you made her promise..."

"You need to understand Delphi's position. For running away and forsaking her engagement to Triton, she already risked banishment. That was all her choice. But as long as she marries Hayden, she thinks it will be worth it and she will be happy."

"You're not convinced?"

"I have nothing to lose and everything to gain from her getting Hayden. If she commits to being a human... she won't need her powers. She has agreed to transfer her powers to me."

"What? She can do that?"

"I can... if she willingly gives them up. With her power and mine combined, I think I will be able to lift my blood curse and return to Atlantis." As she spoke, she looked around to make sure no one was watching, then she placed her hand in the shallow touch pool.

Understanding dawned as she watched the water ripple away and Erza's hand remained dry. "That's amazing."

"No... it's not... "

"So you want to go to Atlantis? But why?"

"It is where I belong. To return to our ancestral home is every seawitch's dream, an innate obsession. My ancestors are the ones who offended the gods, but it's the descendants who suffer. You don't understand, Callie. Seawitches are not just banned from Atlantis. Having Mer blood, but being unable to even touch the ocean is a sentence worse than death. It is to want something you can never have. It's agonizing. My mother believed it shortens our lifespan as well.... It's as if this want is part of the punishment. I don't want to die in that old antique shop like her..."

"I'm sorry. That sounds awful. But why can't you tell Triton? I think he would understand if you---"

"He won't. In Atlantis, if it goes against their doctrine, it is frowned upon. Reversing a divine punishment would be considered blasphemous. Atlanteans have no sympathy for my kind. You've seen Triton's disdain firsthand."

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