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// hey y'all, quick update. the university i was accepted to was not a good fit for me so many more updates to come, since im using this as a possible portfolio piece or to send to a publisher. who knows. anyway, hope you are all doing well and enjoy the angst, haha

// Tw: wrist grabbing, mentions of cheating

The afternoon had wound down and we all moved inside once it got colder. Bee went back to her puzzle, and Sam helped me prepare the kitchen for dinner before sneaking away once the work got difficult. 

"Thanks for leaving me in here all alone!" I call through the kitchen doorway and hear his booming laughter follow him up the stairs. I shake my head and wash up, heading into the living room to see Sam and Bee criss-crossed on the floor giggling. I grab a seat between the two and slowly realize that Sam had been sneaking colors into their wrong piles while his sister wasn't looking, which infuriated her. 

Although Sam made me quite nervous in every sense of the word, it was easier to be around him today, playing with Bee and relaxing. We had scattered the puzzle from this morning on the living room table and Bee had begun sorting the pieces by color when my phone rang. I quickly grabbed it off the table and clicked answer before it annoyed anyone else.

"Hello?" I answer quickly.

"Hey, Kat."

My could feel my stomach drop the moment I heard the croaky voice on the other line. I think Sam knew something was up and started to scoot toward me, but before I could stop myself, I felt my hand go up in his face to push him away, standing up and walking into the kitchen.

"What do you need, Colin?" I sigh out, leaning one arm against the counter.

"I just wanted to... see how you're doing. Your mom said you were out of the house for the weekend and, obviously your friends aren't interested in telling me where you are," he sounds resigned and I hate that part of me that is empathetic.

"I'm fine. Why do you need to know where I'm at? Thought you wanted nothing to do with me," I scoff. I really am trying to be more angry than sad, but I'm not sure how long I can keep this up for. I really wasn't expecting the call.

"Sh.. Kat, you know that's not... I never meant anything-"

"Colin, you cheated on me. You knew what that would have done to me. I really cared about us getting where we needed to be for both of us to be happy. You ruined that, and I'm seriously over this conversation. Was there anything you needed? I'm busy." I can feel a tear breaching my lower lash line and I watch as it falls from my face onto the counter that I'm leaning over. I suck in a harsh breath and wait for a response.

"I just want to talk. We have things to discuss, don't you think?" He's pleading at this point and I actually laugh.

"I definitely don't think there's anything to discuss. I gotta- I gotta go." I hang up before he can say anything else and take a deep breath, setting my phone on the counter as if it's the most delicate item on the planet. I stare at my reflection for what feels like forever before I hear a knock on the doorframe, startling me out of my thoughts. I quickly wipe my face and look up.

"Hey," I say meekly.

"What was that all about?" Sam asks from across the room. I appreciate him for respecting my boundaries.

"I don't really wanna talk about it. A lot of emotional shit that did not need to be resurfaced is all," I chuckle, looking back down to my hands that are resting on the cold granite.

I gasp when I feel a tight pressure wrap around me. Sam's arms squeeze me in a way that knocks the wind out of my lungs and I can feel a blush growing on my face when he nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck. The position must be painful for him, since he's so much taller than me, but I'm not complaining. The comfort he brings me is immeasurable.

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