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The week was slow, full of study sessions between mine and Eli's houses, and spending the last of the summer just hanging out in the cool breeze and color changing trees. As the week came to a close, my anxiety started to rise through my chest. 

                Sam's mom told me to be there around 5:30 to eat, but I could show up whenever, so I packed some clothes for a few days and set my bag by the door, laying in bed thinking. What could possibly go wrong? So much, but I cant think about that now. It's going to be hard enough to act normal, but now I have to pretend to be someone's girlfriend at a family dinner?? They're probably gonna ask how we got together, since we've known each other for what, a week? This is unbelievable. I decide that the anxious feeling that's settling in my body is unbearable and I swing myself out of bed, checking the time. 4:44pm. I guess I could just arrive and see if they need help with anything. I decide on a grey pencil skirt that goes to my mid thigh and a white blouse. I button my shirt and its cuffs, grab my things, and head for the office to say goodbye to my mom.

"Babysitting again this weekend?" Mom asks, noticing my duffle bag.

"Yeah, just popping in to tell you I'm leaving. Mrs. Matthews said that they're gonna be gone a little longer this time, so I'll let you know what the plan is." 

"Sounds good, have fun!" She spins back around to her desk, getting back to work. I walk out the front door to my car, setting my bag in the back, purse in the front, and pull out of the driveway. 

The drive was as relaxing as it could be, and I tried to lose myself in the music as I cruised my way across town to the Matthews' residence. I pull up to the house, leaving my bags in the car as I walk up to the front door, grabbing the handle of the door. Here we go.

I walk into the smell of something delicious. Like, beyond good. I knock on the door frame as I walk into the kitchen to see Mrs. Matthews cooking. 

"Kate! You're early, hi! How are you?" She comes over and gives me a handless hug since they were dirtied with food. 

"I'm good, how are you? Can I help with anything?" I smile, taking a seat at the island.

"I'm great, thanks for asking. If you want to, could you put these at the table?" She slides over a stack of plates, silverware, and cloth napkins. I nod, grabbing the utensils and walking to the table, spreading each table setting around the table. 

"Mom!" It was Sam running downstairs. Immediate butterflies. Pull yourself together.

"What is it? Katie's here, by the way," I could hear the excitement in her voice and I felt sick. 

"What? Where?" 

"In the dining room," she hums, and for a split second I look around, wondering if I can hide from the impending doom. Maybe under the table?

"Hey," he waves, leaning on the doorframe in a cool way and stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets. He's wearing a long sleeve black turtleneck, black jeans, and a black belt with a silver buckle that, unfortunately for me, catches my eye. His sleeves are rolled up just before his elbows. Holy shit.

"Hey there," I give an embarrassingly awkward smile and continue to place set, avoiding eye contact since he definitely saw me staring at his crotch. 

"So," he starts quietly, and I give him a pointed, knowing look. "How's this gonna go?"

"It was your plan, figure it out," I shrug at him as I walk over to him. Close. I hear him take a small idle breath as I approach and then he puts a hand on my shoulder. Too many butterflies.

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