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The rest of the afternoon was spent at Sam's, while we moved valuables to his parents bedroom, set up bowls of snacks and red solo cups stacked on the table next to a punch made of a shit ton of alcohol. I could smell it fermenting from the bowl as I poured pretzels into another. 

"Sam, what the hell did you put in this bowl?" I call to him, smiling. He walks into the kitchen holding the remote to the stereo system.  

"Everything," he says seriously. 

"It reeks of a hangover," I sniff it and cringe.

"I hope so," he smiles.

"Guess who's here, bitches!" I hear yelled through the house, startling me. I check the time. 6:17pm. Who the hell is here this early? My question gets answered as soon as I ask myself, as I see Will strut in through the doorway, patting Sam on the back.

"Hey Sammy! It looks great in here," his gaze goes from behind him in the living room to me, where he quickly eyes me up and down before meeting my face and walking over. 

"Hey, good to see you again," he grins, grabbing me in a full squeeze. I cough out a "good to see you too" before he lets go and I give an awkward smile, my eyes shifting past Will to Sam where he's leaning against the doorway with a straight face.

"So, why are you here so early?" I ask as Will takes a seat at the barstool across from me. 

"Pregame," he says wholeheartedly, and I chuckle. Of course he is.

"Well, Sam made poison, you want a cup?" I gesture to the bowl of punch.

"Only if you have one with me," he dares, and I'm surprised. I haven't been around Will enough to realize how bold he really is, so different from Sam. 

"I guess I should try it," I smile, grabbing two plastic cups from the stack. "Sam, come have a drink with us."

He walks over slowly, leaning over the counter nonchalantly, his forearms flexed just enough to notice. I avert my eyes and pour us cups of the pink liquid before we all take a first sip. I cough a bit as the heat hits my throat and then the fruity, confused flavor settles.

"Oh, yeah. Sam, my boy, you've done it again," Will barks, slamming his cup on the counter in completion. "And, Katie, I'm impressed! You handle your liquor. That's good, because it's gonna be a long night." He smirks at me before pouring himself another drink.

"Thanks," I smile. "I've been told." Sam finishes his drink and walks away from us.

"Where's the music, Sam?" Will whines, and I giggle. He just turns and grins at me with a satisfied look. I like Will's attention, and I don't know why. 

"My parents wired this fucking thing wrong," Sam shouts back to us from the living room. "I'm almost done though. Song requests?"

"Oh, please play some Fleetwood Mac before everyone gets here," I call back. 

"Hell yeah," Will says, holding out a fist bump that I meet. "Rock on."

"Come search for a song then, Katie," Sam says, and I skip into the living room to see Sam fiddling with the stereo above the fireplace mantle, next to him a laptop sits open with the Spotify search bar. I look up 'The Chain' and back up to the middle of the room where the couches and coffee table were spread to create more room. Sam finishes up and presses play, and the song begins. He flops down on the couch and chuckles as I begin to bob my head side to side. Will follow suit next to me and begins to perform the song at me. I lipsync with him, grinning and running my hands up my body like some kind of interpretive dance. The dancing makes the alcohol rush to my head, but it's a welcome feeling. Will eventually grabs my hands when the chorus comes, spinning me around. I laugh and the song gets more hyped, but out of the corner of my eye, I see Sam walking into the kitchen. I turn to Will and he gives me a knowing look, releasing his hands from mine. 

"Sorry," I shift between both eyes but I can tell that he doesn't mind too much. I back away and shoot Will one last sympathetic smile before walking into the dining room to see Sam with his arms crossed, looking out the front window into the yard. 

"You okay?" I stand awkwardly in the doorway. 

"Yeah, just didn't really feel the need to watch the flirting going on in there," he chuckles stiffly, turning around. Why is he mad?

"We weren't flirting, Sam. It's just dancing," I know there's a blush on my face and I look down to the floor to try to hide it.

"You don't have to lie to me, Kate. If you're into him, then that's it. Frankly, I don't give a shit," he spits, and he's smiling like he's truly indifferent. He comes towards me before passing me in the doorway. "I gotta go get ready. People are on their way."

"What the fuck.." I mumble under my breath. I walk back out and see that Will has poured himself another drink and is making a playlist of music. 'Maneater' by Nelly Furtado begins to play when he notices that I have entered the room with what I can only assume is a scowl.

"You good?" Will turns and smiles with his perfectly carefree grin. 

"I need a drink," I huff, wrapping my fingers around the cup in his hand, taking it and drinking the rest of it. The burn felt good.

"Atta girl," he chuckles, placing his large hand on my shoulder as he passes me to fill his cup again.


//oh goodness short chapter bc it's about to go down in the next few chapters lollll hope u enjoyed it, be sure to vote and comment bc it keeps me going <3 have a good day/night/whatever. luv u

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