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I couldn't sleep all night. I sat on the floor in front of the door for a while, before crawling up into bed, but it just led me to toss and turn until it began to get light outside.

I watch the window as the sky goes from a dark indigo to a dusty blue, and I sigh, deciding that I should just get up and make some coffee or something. I open the door as quietly as possible, and peek my head into the hallway just in case Sam was out there for some ungodly reason. Nobody's there, so I step out and tip toe downstairs to the kitchen and make a pot of coffee. I want to call a friend, but it's too early for anyone to answer, so I'm stuck in the silence as my coffee percolates. I check the weather, and several social media sites, and finally pour my coffee. The dog is now looking to me with his tail wagging, and I feed him before bringing him outside with me as I sit of the porch and enjoy the quiet of the morning.

I notice that Sam's car is gone from the driveway, and it makes my stomach turn. He couldn't even stand to be in the same house as me?
I'm suddenly feeling super pissed at Eli, and I grab my phone and text him to call me when he can. I am still baffled that he even said anything to Sam in the first place.

Sam :O

u ok?

I stare at the message for a long time, but my body refuses to let me send it.

Why am I being so hesitant? He said he wanted nothing to do with you, that's why. Well, screw him if he thinks I'm going down that easy. I decide to hit send, and feel better about myself already.

After a quiet rest of my morning, Beth wakes up with high energy and a determined attitude to be "productive," whatever that means for a toddler.

"We need to make breakfast, and then I'll clean the kitchen," she says confidently.

"Alright, what are we making?" I chuckle, following my miniature manager into the kitchen.

"Waffles," she replies nonchalantly. I cover my mouth to suppress the giggles and we get to work making food after I set up some music. We eat together at the table, and when we're about done, I hear a car pull up the driveway. I look out the bay window to see Sam's car, but upon further investigation, Will is in the driver's seat. I furrow my brows when I see him discussing something with the passenger who I can't see, before stepping out and walking to the door.

"Just a sec, Bee. I'm gonna go get the door. Don't start cleaning up until I get back," I tell her, and she nods as she sits back down.

I attempt to shake my nerves as I approach the door handle, but my hands are shaking. I open it to see Will about to knock.

"Hey, Katie!" He smiles lightly. "I just gonna grab something from upstairs real quick."

"Yeah, sure. Why are you driving Sam's car?" I ask, following him up the stairs.

"Uh..." He walks faster, and for some reason I feel like he's avoiding me. "He told me to drive. I don't know."

"So, he's out there, then?" I probe, suddenly feeling angry.

"Yeah, well, he just wanted me to slip in and grab his books, and I saw no problem with that. Where's Bee?" He changes the subject.

"She's downstairs. We just got finished with breakfast. Do you guys wanna stay?" I'm not gonna play the "ignore each other" game that Sam wants.

"Oh, we shouldn't. We have lots of studying to do. You know, exams and tests," he chuckles, walking into Sam's bedroom and grabbing his backpack. He throws it over his shoulder and attempts to exit the room but I stand in the doorway, arms crossed.

"Will, please explain to me what's going on," I plead.

"Nothing's going on, Kate, we're just busy. If we weren't, we'd totally stay."

"I know he told you what he said to me. I'm not an idiot. I get if he wants to stay away from me but an explanation would be great. Just tell him we need to talk, okay?"

"I'll let him know. It'll all work out," he shoots me a sympathetic smile before rushing downstairs and out the door. I follow him out to the porch and look to the car. 

Sam and I make eye contact immediately, and I feel heat rush to my face.

I give him a small wave, and he returns it, his lips tightened into an uncomfortable smile, before looking down as they pull out of the driveway. 


That was the last time I interacted with Sam in nearly two weeks. I finished babysitting Beth and at the end of the weekend, I told her parents that I would probably be busier with school but to call me if they needed anything, and I haven't heard anything since.

"Well, I assume that he told his mom that we weren't together," I tell Lainey idly over FaceTime, laying on my bed doing homework. It's friday, and I haven't talked to Sam or Eli.

"He's such a dipshit. And he hasn't texted you back or anything?" She asked.

"Not even a passing glance when I see him at school. And he totally looks fine, too. He's laughing it up with Will, who also never talks to me anymore," I sigh. "Maybe it's for the best. I mean, this means more time with you."

"True," she says, and I can tell from her response that she's distracted. "Hey, there's a game tomorrow, maybe we should go."

"I don't know if that's a good idea," I reply.

"Come on, you have to go. We're all going. It'll be fun."

"Fine. I need to talk to Eli, anyway. Maybe I should go over there now," I casually look out the window toward his house down the street.

"Is he still hanging out with Ella?" Lainey asks, and I'm reminded that they were together.

"I have no clue. I'll ask him. I'm gonna go, so I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, have fun." She hangs up, and I decide to head over to Eli's house.

I slip my shoes on and walk down the street, walking up the empty driveway to the front door. I knock on the door awkwardly, rocking on my heels. For a moment, I think that maybe nobody is home and I should head back, but then I hear some movement inside, followed by Eli's laughter as he opens the door.

"Oh, Katie. Hi," he smiles, stepping out onto the porch. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to talk, but it seems like you have company," I say, attempting to look inside to see who's inside. 

"Oh, yeah. Ella is here, actually. I didn't know you were coming over. You should've texted me," he says awkwardly. "Do you wanna come in?"

"Oh, I don't have to. I just wanted to see if we were okay, I guess. We can talk some other time. Are you going to the game with us tomorrow?" 

"I'll be there," he smiles, and for a moment, things feel normal. "Oh, and Katie? I'm sorry. Seriously. I'm an idiot."

"It's okay. We'll figure it out. See you tomorrow." I back off the steps, saying goodbye and heading back home quickly. I text Lainey and update her on his relationship status before getting some dinner.

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