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My eyes flutter open, squinting at my ceiling. I roll my head across my pillow to see that my phone is dead. Great. I let a much-needed stretch pull itself through my spine, as I sit up and step out of bed. I yawn, running my fingers through my hair with some trouble. I take a glance in my body length mirror as I pass, and memories of last night flood my brain. My pajama pants are hanging off my hip and I have that post-orgasm glow still. I bite back a smile, rolling my eyes at myself. I'm such a cliché. Getting all giddy about shit like this.

I check the calendar on my desk as I head out, and see that school is starting in 2 days. Holy shit. I sigh and walk to the bathroom to hop in the shower.

"Hey, Google. Play my 'vibes' playlist," I call to the speaker on the bathroom counter, my mouth full of toothpaste.

"Okay, Playing 'My Crime' on Spotify." Goddamn you.

"Ugh. Okay, Google. Play my 'Vibes' playlist on Spotify," I sigh, trying to enunciate into the microphone. After another failure, I lose my cool and just connect my phone to the bluetooth and shuffle my playlist.

Kiwi by Harry Styles plays softly from the speaker as I run my fingers through my hair, wetting it. I belt the lyrics until I get scolded at my dad through the door to make it quick. After I finally make it back to my room, I plug my phone in and stare at the dark screen until it finally has enough charge to turn on. Upon waking up, it is bombarded with notifications, mostly from random apps but a few messages come through. I smile as I open my text app.

Sam :O

You were snoring
Also I think your phone died
I didn't hang up, I promise.
Anyway, when you see this, hey

hi there

Lainey poo 🤠

need an excuse fast
tyler invited me to his game
and i'm free

just goooo
and be in love
and leave me alone

we are NOT in lovr
speaking of
i left u alone with that boy
so are you a virgin still?

i am a virgin still

but like.,,


I feel a blush touch my cheeks as I grin at my phone. Lainey hasn't replied this quickly probably since she first got her phone, and it was a welcome surprise. I go downstairs to make myself breakfast before getting myself mentally prepared for school.

After greeting my parents and making fun of my brother for his mess of hair, I grab a banana and a glass of juice before heading back upstairs. I set them on my desk before grabbing my phone off the bed and plugging it into my computer. Still no new notifications, but it's early, so I begin planning my routine for school. I got my schedule a couple days ago, but I haven't even looked at it or compared it with anyone.

do we have any classes???
1 attachment

Lainey poo 🤠
psych 1st hour two years in a row let's goooo
and govt

Eli 😤❤️

i probably have everything w ty

I set my phone down and slip my headset onto my head, beginning to work on some work that teachers requested we do before class. I get about an hour into work and I'm in a good groove when I see that Colin is calling me. I feel my stomach drop, and I let it ring, going back to my work. After a few moments, I receive a text.

Babysitting the Bad Boy's Little SisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang