Chapter 6

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January 27 8:38 am Monday
Aspen POV.

Kades, other students and I are in Algebra waiting for Mr. Hyde to arrive. He came in quickly probably because he knew he was late and the class was almost over.

"Good morning class sorry I'm late my car got a flat tire on the way here but since I came at this time we will not be doing anything and I'll assign homework tomorrow so just do whatever and talk quietly amongst yourselves." he said.

I looked over at Kades and she was on her phone and listening to music. I grabbed her hand and started to draw butterflies.

She looked up at me and smiled before going back to looking at her phone. I was glad that she wasn't objecting to what I was doing.

I wanted to go to sleep to escape the demons inside but every time I tried to fall asleep I would have the same dream. I was a ghost and my family was enjoying life with each other without me in it.

I was drawing on her hand for about 20 minutes when the bell rung meaning it was time to go to 2nd period.

"Boo I'll see you at the end of 4th period." Kades said.

We hugged each other before going in different directions. I saw Tanner walking towards the gym.

"Hey ready for softball?" he asked.

"Not really." I said back.

He laughed and we went into our respected locker rooms to get changed before Mr. Jalen could say anything.

It's like lately he has been on our asses if we aren't changed for class. He doesn't care if we are late then we are getting an F for the day even if you get changed and participate.

After I am changed for class I am sitting by myself on the bleachers thinking about shit that it hurting my mental health.

For about 10 minutes I am in my head before Tanner comes over and sits next to me. He doesn't say anything but when Mr. Jalen came he elbowed me in the arm.

I snap out of my trance and look at him and he motions for me to follow him to the gym floor where there is a circle around Mr. Jalen.

"Good morning class today I know you are excited because we are playing ... softball. It can either be boys vs girls or we can pick teams you guys can decide but I quickly need an answer." he said.

I rolled my eyes not wanting to be in this class anymore. But I know that I have to participate or I will get an F and if I get an F I don't graduate and if I don't graduate then I won't hear my mom finally say 'I'm proud of you.'

The consensus was the teams were going to be boys vs girls. I went to the girls side and Tanner went with the boys.

I was waiting in line at the end because I didn't really want to participate when someone came into the gym who looked familiar.

When I saw my dad I stood still I haven't seen him in years unless he was giving me or my mom money. That was the main time I ever saw him. I hate him for not being in my life.

"Aspen come on your sister is waiting in the car." he said.

"U-umm okay." I said hesitantly.

I grabbed my coat and book bag before looking at Tanner and he looked just as confused as I was. But I still waved bye to him anyway.

As I was following my dad outside the school to his car I saw Chandler in the front seat. To say I was confused was an understatement.

"Okay now that Aspen is here we can have fun maybe the movie theater or to breakfast." he said when he got in.

"Or maybe taking us home." Chandler said sarcastically.

I looked at her and silently agreed which was not often. My dad's smile didn't falter and he started the car driving away from my school.

As he is driving I start thinking where are we going, does mom know that I'm not in school right now, and how the fuck this dude knows what school I go to?

~ 30-45 minutes later

My dad turns the car off and I take a look to see where we are. It's a classic diner. Dad got out first leaving me and my sister.

"Don't trust him Aspen. Trust me he is going to leave soon so don't come crying to me when your feelings hurt when he does because he will believe me or not he will." she said.

I nodded my head and we both got out the car at the same time. The three of us walked in and sat down. My dad on one side Chandler and I on the other.

A waitress soon came up to us and got our food and drink order and then she left without another word. It was awkward since from then on.

My dad was looking happily between us, outside the diner, and his phone. Neither Chandler nor I was looking or talking to him.

I had decided to text our mom to tell her where I was. After I texted her I immediately got a text from her saying I know.

As I was putting my phone away the waitress came back with our food. I got omelette, my sister got tuna sandwich, while my dad got a burger and fries.

While my dad and sister started eating it took me a few minutes to start. I hated when people look at me. Every so often I would take a few bites and look around the diner.

Because I was eating so slow my dad and sister was finished already. My sister was on her phone and my dad was staring at me. I started to get self conscious and I stopped eating.

"Dude stop staring can't you see it's making her uncomfortable. Let her finish without you staring damn." my sister said.

"My bad." he mumbled and looked away.

I looked at my sister and she nodded at me. Sometimes she's nice to me and I savor those moments. I go back to getting a couple more bites and then I put my fork down.

"I'm done can we go home now?" I said quietly.

"Yeah we are ready to get away from you." Chandler commented.

Dad sighed but he eventually nodded. He put some money down on the table and the three of us left and got into the car. I texted mom the we were going home.

It was about it 30 minutes before we were home. I found it weird when our dad parked the car instead of doubled parked.

When he unlocked the door Chandler and I got out but so did he. I kept walking to the apartment door knowing what was going to happen while Chandler stopped and turned towards dad.

"You are not coming into our apartment you have no right." she said.

"Um last time I checked I'm the father and you're the child." dad said.

"Very funny you haven't been our father in a long ass time so why don't you leave and never come back" she replied.

By then I was holding the door open where I could see a couple of our neighbors looking outside. I was embarrassed and hoping Chandler would just come on.

Chandler gave up the two of them came towards me going up to the third floor. I saw Chandler slam the door in his face making me open the door for us.

I went to my room waiting for mom to come back while I hear Chandler and dad continued to yell at each other.

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