Chapter 18

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Kades POV.
June 4th Tuesday 2:17 p.m.

There is about 30 minutes till school is officially over and I'm bored out of my mind. I am currently sitting on the bleachers in the gym.

Mr. Jalen is asking us about graduation, college, and our next steps in life. I know that I'm going to college and do something that I enjoy.

As he is finishing up his speech about changing the world or some shit, I am replying to Markayla's text message.

Me: dude why are you texting me?!?!

Markayla: bored and we need to talk about you and Aspen

Me: what is there to talk about?

Markayla: you know what.

Me: leave it alone

Me: Aspen and I are not going to be an item and we both know it

Markayla: we are going to talk about this whether you like it or not

Markayla: I'll meet you at your locker

As soon as the 2:50 bell rung I ran out of there without changing out of my clothes I left the gym and turned the corner to see Markayla.

She was leaning against my locker looking on her phone. How did she get here so fast?

"When did you get here?" I asked.

She laughed.

"I was already here while I was texting you." she told me.

I nodded and started to put my binders and books in my locker for tomorrow. When I close my locker Markayla and I walk out of school.

Markayla puts her headphones on while I text Aspen telling them to come to mine in an hour. I knew that he would so yeah.

~ 15 minutes later

Markayla and I have arrived to my house and to my surprise my mom is home. She opens that door for the both of us.

"Hello girls how was school?" she said.

Markayla shrugged her shoulders while I told her that it was boring. Which is my response every time she asks me.

I told her that Markayla and I would be upstairs in my room and to tell Aspen the same thing when they get here.

She nodded and said that she was going to bring snacks as the two of us were heading up the stairs.

Once we set foot in my room Markayla hops on my bed and immediately looks at me. She probably wants to start the conversation that I'm dreading.

"Can we just forget this conversation?" I said.

"Kades I understand that you don't want to ruin your friendship with Aspen but you need to at least get it off your chest."

"Okay fine ... I knew that Aspen had a crush on me since sophomore year and I didn't want to tell him I knew but ... but then I developed a crush on them last year during Halloween when he was dressed up as a bumblebee" I started.

I stopped talking to reminisce last Halloween. It was like yesterday when I realized that I had a crush on Aspen.

"Dude continue." she said.

"Oh sorry ... I never told Aspen that I knew he liked him romantically because I just thought that would fuck everything up because what if-" I told her.

As I was about to continue my sentence my bedroom door opens slowly. Aspen came through the door blushing when we both turned towards him.

Aspen POV.

I arrive to Kades house at exactly 3:15 pm which was earlier than said. I ring the doorbell where Kades mom opens with a warm smile on her face.

"Good afternoon Aspen. How was you doing today?" She asked.

I looked her in the face and she was smiling. That made me feel warm inside and I smiled back at her.

"I am doing fine." I replied to her question.

She nodded and told me that Kades and Markayla were upstairs in her room. I carried the tray of snacks that she was going to bring.

She said thank you and I nodded. I continued up the stairwell to Kades room. When I got closer I heard their conversation.

" - Aspen that I knew he liked him romantically because I just thought that would fuck everything up because what if-" I heard Kades say.

I opened the door and both of them turned in my direction causing me to look down and blush. I set the tray down on Kades desk and sat down in the bed.

"Did you hear any of that." Markayla asked.

I nodded not looking at either of them. No one said anything for about 5 minutes before I spoke up again.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you either. I didn't want us to break up and it would be awkward. You mean too much to me to lose you as a friend." I said.

After I said that I was scared to look up until I felt arms around my body. I looked up finally and saw Kades hugging me.

"That's all I ever wanted to know." she said.

When she did let go I looked at her and then I looked at Markayla. Both of them had different expressions on their faces.

Markayla looked relieved while Kades had looked happy. I am just glad that I got that off my chest.

"Well now that that's settled I'm going home so I'm not late for dinner you know how I love my dad's Taco's." Markayla announced.

We waved to her as she was leaving Kades room and then it was the two of us. I didn't think I wanted to stay over today but I was scared to tell her.

I was staring off into space for 10 minutes before I felt a hand in mine.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want too yah know." Kades said and laughed.

"Okay I'll leave before dinner time." I responded.

Kades nodded and she grabbed my hand taking us downstairs. I didn't see her mom in the living room.

I sat on the couch while Kades turned on the tv. She turned to Cartoon Network and that is where we stayed until it was time for me to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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