Chapter 9

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Aspen Pov.
February 26 Thursday 2:13 pm

I had woken up around 2 in the morning to see if my dad was still sleeping on the couch.

When I get downstairs I see his pillow and blanket folded up neatly at the end of the couch with a note on top of it.

The note read:

Hey Aspen and Chandler I know that you two had wanted me to stay but I couldn't I'm sorry that I couldn't stay longer but I had to go. Maybe I'll see you guys soon.

Aspen I'm sorry if you think that I'm a deadbeat or a loser but trust me when I tell you that I do love you and your sister.

Chandler I know that I haven't always been there for you but I want to make it up to you. I want to still try to be in your life.

Your mother knows were I live maybe we could meet at my house and the four of us could do something you know like a family.

P.S. my number is xxx-xxx-xxxx just in case you would like to keep in touch with me.

I took the note over to the garbage can before ripping it up to pieces because I knew that it was pointless to keep it.

Chandler and I haven't gotten along in a long time but since he has been here she has been coming around more. Which honestly has been weird because she barely is nice to me.

But I already know that Chandler will agree when I say that he is a shit faced clown and that's all he'll ever be.

To be honest this month that he has been here has been interesting not in a good way and I thought that he would stick around but I guess it was stupid to get my hopes up.

I went back up to my room falling into my bed and immediately going to sleep feeling exhausted all of a sudden.

~ 6: 55 am

When I had woken up again there was no one talking or anything so I was hoping it would be a good morning.

"Happy birthday to me." I said with fake enthusiasm.

I get up and walk towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my shower ready to go to school.

After I'm done in the bathroom I pick out my clothes; white uniform shirt, red and black flannel, khaki pants, and my red converses.

I take a couple pictures in front of my mirror before trying to walk out the door without being noticed by I got caught.

"Happy Birthday Aspen" my mom said.

"Thanks." I said.

I sat down to eat breakfast that was prepared by mom and I ate somewhat quickly because my mom had to get to work early and she was dropping me off.

My mom dropped me off in front of the school building and I was not happy about going to school on my birthday.

I stop at my locker to grab a binder for my classes and Victory was the first to say 'happy birthday' to me.

"Happy Birthday Aspen what are you doing today?" She said

"Thank you I'm probably going out to eat with my family." I told her.

We talk for a while before the first bell rings and we head to my first period classes which was sadly Algebra.

I sit down and already started doing the Do Now that Mr. Hyde had written on the board.

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